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Python String upper(), lower(), and title() Methods

By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 15, 2024

Python String upper(), lower(), and title() Methods

The string.upper(), string.lower() and string.title() Methods are inbuilt methods in Python, these are used to format string in a particular format like uppercases, lowercase or little case format.

1. The string.upper()

Method returns uppercase string (where all characters of the string are in uppercase).

Example: "HELLO WORLD"

2. string.lower()

Method returns lowercase string (where all characters of the string are in lowercase).

Example: "hello world"

3. string.title()

Method returns title case string (where first character of the each words are in uppercase, rest of all characters are in lowercase).

Example: "Hello World"

Methods Syntaxes


Example 1

# declare a string
str = "HELLO World How are you?"

# uppercase string
print("Uppercase string: ", str.upper())

# lowercase string
print("Lowercase string: ", str.lower())

# title case string
print("Title case string: ", str.title())


Uppercase string:  HELLO WORLD HOW ARE YOU?
Lowercase string:  hello world how are you?
Title case string:  Hello World How Are You?

Example 2

Change string case – if string is in uppercase, convert it to lowercase and if it is in lowercase convert it to uppercase.

There is a string, we have to change its case, if string is in uppercase convert it to lowercase. If string is in lowercase convert it to uppercase, otherwise convert string into title case.

# function to check and change case
def changeCase(str):
    if str.isupper():
        str = str.lower()
    elif str.islower():
        str = str.upper()
        str = str.title()
    return str

# Main code

str = "hello world"

str = "HELLO world"


hello world
Hello World

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