
Swift Programs

Swift programming language is developed by Apple Inc. Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language and it is used to create applications for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and other Apple devices. Swift code is easier to understand and write.

Swift Programs / Examples: This section contains Swift programming language solved programs on various topics. These programs contain the problem description, solved code, output, and explanation.

Swift Programs Index

Swift Basic Programs

  1. Swift program to print 'Hello World'
  2. Swift program to create different types of variables
  3. Swift program to create variables with specifying data type
  4. Swift program to demonstrate the escape sequences
  5. Swift program to demonstrate the '\()' to embed the value of the variable within the string
  6. More Swift Basic Programs ...

Swift Conditional Statements Programs

  1. Swift program to demonstrate the if statement
  2. Swift program to demonstrate the if else statement
  3. Swift program to demonstrate the ladder if statement
  4. Swift program to demonstrate the nested if statement
  5. Swift program to demonstrate the ternary operator
  6. More Swift Conditional Statements Programs ...

Swift Switch Statement Programs

  1. Swift program to demonstrate the switch statement
  2. Swift program to demonstrate the fallthrough statement in the switch statement
  3. Swift program to create case with multiple values in the switch block
  4. More Swift Switch Statement Programs ...

Swift Looping Programs

  1. Swift program to demonstrate the 'for in' loop with range
  2. Swift program to access the value of an array using 'for in' loop
  3. Swift program to demonstrate the 'for in' loop with 'where' clause
  4. Swift program to demonstrate the 'for in' loop with stride() function
  5. Swift program to demonstrate the nested 'for in' loop
  6. More Swift Looping Programs ...

Swift String Programs

  1. Swift program to read a string from the user
  2. Swift program to convert an optional string into the normal string
  3. Swift program to create a multi-line string literal
  4. Swift program to check a string is empty or not
  5. Swift program to concatenate two strings
  6. More Swift String Programs ...

Swift Array Programs

  1. Swift program to create an array
  2. Swift program to add elements into the array
  3. Swift program to insert an element at a specific position in the array
  4. Swift program to modify array elements
  5. Swift program to remove an item from an array based on an index
  6. More Swift Array Programs ...

Swift Structures Programs

  1. Swift program to create a simple structure
  2. Swift program to initialize structure using init() function
  3. Swift program to demonstrate the 'self' keyword with structure
  4. Swift program to create methods within a structure
  5. Swift program to create a new structure object with existing object
  6. Swift Structures Programs

Swift Enum Programs

  1. Swift program to demonstrate the enumeration
  2. Swift program to create an enumeration with the specific type and access its raw value
  3. Swift program to print all cases of enumeration
  4. Swift program to use enumeration constants using the switch statement
  5. Swift program to compare enumeration constants based on raw values
  6. More Swift Enum Programs ...

Swift Typealias Programs

  1. Swift program to create typealias for built-in types
  2. Swift program to create the alias of a structure
  3. More Swift Typealias Programs ...

Swift User-defined Functions Programs

  1. Swift program to create a function with no argument and no return value
  2. Swift program to create a function with argument but no return value
  3. Swift program to create a function with no argument but a return value
  4. Swift program to create a function with argument and return value
  5. Swift program to create a nested function
  6. More Swift User-defined Functions Programs ...

Swift Closure Functions Programs

  1. Swift program to create a simple closure function
  2. Swift program to create a closure function with parameters
  3. Swift program to create a closure function and return a value
  4. Swift program to pass a closure as a function parameter
  5. Swift program to pass a closure as a function parameter with other parameters
  6. More Swift Closure Functions Programs ...

Swift Classes & Objects Programs

  1. Swift program to create a simple class
  2. Swift program to create a class with the init() method
  3. Swift program to demonstrate the 'self' keyword within the class
  4. Swift program to create a class with the user-defined methods
  5. Swift program to create an array of objects
  6. More Swift Classes & Objects Programs ...

Swift Inheritance Programs

  1. Swift program to implement single inheritance
  2. Swift program to implement multilevel inheritance
  3. Swift program to implement hierarchical inheritance
  4. Swift program to implement hybrid inheritance
  5. Swift program to implement method overriding
  6. More Swift Inheritance Programs ...

Swift Subscripts Programs

  1. Swift program to create a custom subscript
  2. Swift program to create a subscript with set/get property
  3. Swift program to create a subscript with the read-only property
  4. Swift program to create a custom subscript with multiple options
  5. Swift program to implement subscript overloading
  6. More Swift Subscripts Programs ...

Swift Function Overloading Programs

  1. Swift program to implement function overloading based on the different number of arguments
  2. Swift program to implement function overloading based on different types of arguments
  3. Swift program to implement function overloading based on the different order of arguments
  4. Swift program to implement function overloading based on argument label
  5. More Swift Function Overloading Programs ...

Swift Set Programs

  1. Swift program to create a simple set collection
  2. Swift program to create a simple set collection with duplicate elements
  3. Swift program to add elements into a Set collection
  4. Swift program to remove an element from a Set collection
  5. Swift program to remove the first element from a Set collection
  6. More Swift Set Programs ...

Swift Mathematical Functions Programs

  1. Swift program to find the largest number between two numbers using max() function
  2. Swift program to find the smallest number between two numbers using min() function
  3. Swift program to find the power of a number using the pow() function
  4. Swift program to find the square root of a number using the sqrt() function
  5. Swift program to find the square root of a number using the pow() function
  6. More Swift Mathematical Functions Programs ...

Swift Random Numbers Programs

  1. Swift program to generate random numbers
  2. Swift program to shuffle the elements of an array
  3. Swift program to get a random element from an array
  4. More Swift Random Numbers Programs ...

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