
C Programs with Solutions

This section contains popular C programs with solution. Learn and practice these programs to test and enhance your C skills. Last updated : April 01, 2023

The best way to learn C programming is by practicing and solving the C programs (C problems). We have 1000+ C programs with solutions which are categorized below. Practice these C programs to learn and enhance your C problem-solving skills.

List of C programs

Practice the C programs based on the categories, library functions, advanced, top searched, and latest.

C programs by categories

C programs on standard library functions

Advance C programs

Top searched C programs

Here is the list of most important/useful programs searched on the web.

Top visited programs on IncludeHelp

  1. Pattern Programs in C
  2. C program to design calculator with basic operations using switch
  3. C program to find factorial of a number
  4. C program to check whether number is Perfect Square or not
  5. C program to find SUM and AVERAGE of two numbers
  6. C program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
  7. C program to read and print an employee's detail using structure
  8. Dynamic Memory Allocation programs
  9. C program to convert number from Decimal to Binary
  10. C program to check whether number is Palindrome or not

Top searched programs on the web

  1. First C program to print "Hello World".
  2. C program to find factorial of a number.
  3. C program to swap two numbers without using third variable.
  4. C program to check whether a number if Armstrong or not.
  5. C program to check whether a number if Even or Odd.
  6. C program to print all leap years from 1 to N.
  7. C program to calculate employee gross salary.
  8. C Program to print tables of numbers from 1 to 20.
  9. C program to print star/pyramid series.
  10. C program to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
  11. C program to convert number from Decimal to Binary.
  12. C program to convert number from Binary to Decimal.
  13. C program to print ASCII Table.
  14. C program to get and set current system date and time.
  15. C program to run dos command.

Latest C programs

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