Sending Emails using SMTP in Python

Python | Sending emails: In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to send emails in Python using SMTP (smtplib library)?
Submitted by Abhinav Gangrade, on July 04, 2020



SMTP is a simple mail transfer protocol used by the email servers to categorize the emails and deliver them to the clients.


smtplib is a python library that creates an SMTP session to send emails and route the mails.

Steps to send emails using SMTP

1) Create a SMTP Server:

We can create an SMTP server with the help of smtplib.SMTP("",587), is the Gmail SMTP server address and 587 is the port number of the server.

2) To identify our server:

We can identify our server with the help server.elho() function, we should do this connection to our server with other servers to send mails.

3) Make our server secure:

We can make our server secure with the help of the server.starttls(), TLS is Transport Layer Security.

4) Login in our server:

As we will use the Gmail SMTP server so we can log in to the server with the help of the server.login("<email id>","<password>").

5) Send the mail:

We can send the mail with the help of server.sendmail(<Our mail address>,<To we want to send>, message) function.

6) server.close():

After sending the close the server with this function.

Python program to send email

# import the library
import smtplib

# setting up the Gmail smtp server
# Identify our server before sending mail
# making our server secure

# login in the server
server.login("<email id>","<password>")

# sending mail
message="Hello This is Abhinav Gangrade,how are you"
server.sendmail("<your mail id","<To whom you want to send>",message)

# closing the server

Note: You have to change the setting of your Gmail (Less secure app to on).Otherwise, we will not be able to send mails this is because we created a virtual server, and google security will not allow anyone to login to its server so that's why we have to change the setting.


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