

Software Engineering Tutorial

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Software Engineering Tutorial

Last updated : April 04, 2023

What is Software Engineering?

Software engineering is a subject of computer science courses. It teaches an engineering-style system of software development and provides a standard plan of action for designing and developing software.

This software engineering tutorial contains tutorials on all topics such as Introduction, definition, usages, myths and realities of Software, software testing, software industry evolution, major software failures, software documentation, SDLC, SDLC types, comparison of Software lifecycle models, UML Views and UML Diagrams, and many more along with the software engineering MCQs.

Software Engineering Tutorial Topics

  1. Software Engineering - Introduction
  2. Software Engineering - What is a Software and Software Process
  3. Software Engineering - Software Characteristics
  4. Software Engineering - Changing nature of Software
  5. Software Engineering - Myths and Realities of Software
  6. Software Engineering - Why do we need?
  7. Software Engineering - Software Testing
  8. Software Engineering - Evolving Nature of Software Industry
  9. Software Engineering - Major Software Failures
  10. Software Engineering - Software Documentation
  11. Software Engineering - Types of documentation manuals
  12. Software Engineering - Operating Procedures in a Software
  13. Software Engineering - Software Product
  14. Software Engineering - Software Product and Software Process
  15. Software Engineering - Module and Software Components
  16. Software Engineering - Role of Management
  17. Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Model
  18. Software Design Phase in SDLC
  19. Software Engineering - Things Developed in Software Design Phase
  20. Software Engineering - Characteristics of a Good Software Design
  21. Software Engineering - Cohesion
  22. Software Engineering - Coupling
  23. Software Engineering - Types of Design Strategies
  24. Software Engineering - Importance of a Model in Software
  25. Software Engineering - Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  26. Software Engineering - UML Views and UML Diagrams
  27. Software Engineering - Domain modeling
  28. Software Engineering - Booch's Object Identification Method
  29. Software Engineering - User Interface
  30. Software Engineering - Graphical User Interface
  31. Software Engineering - Coding Phase
  32. Software Engineering - Coding Standards and Guidelines
  33. Software Engineering - Code Reviewing
  34. Software Engineering - Testing Phase
  35. Software Engineering - Levels of Testing
  36. Software Engineering - Software Testing Terminology
  37. Software Engineering - Types of Software Testing
  38. Software Engineering - 7 Principles of Software Testing
  39. Software Engineering - Software Testing Strategies
  40. Software Engineering - Mutation, System, and Performance Testing
  41. Software Engineering - Program Analysis Tools
  42. Software Engineering - Software Failure - An Overview
  43. Software Engineering - Classification of Software Failures
  44. Software Engineering - Software Quality
  45. Software Engineering - Software Quality Management
  46. Software Engineering - ISO 9000
  47. Software Engineering - SEI Capability Maturity Model
  48. Software Engineering - CASE Tools and Their Scopes
  49. Software Engineering - Software Maintenance
  50. Software Engineering - Software Reuse: Definition and Advantages
  51. Software Engineering - Reuse Domain
  52. Software Engineering - Component Based Software Development
  53. Software Engineering - Software Component Classification
  54. Software Engineering - Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Software Engineering MCQs


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