
Scala Tutorial

Scala Basics

Scala Control statements

Scala Functions

Scala Arrays

Scala Lists

Scala Strings

Scala Classes & Objects

Scala Collections

Scala Programs

Scala is a programming language developed by Martin Odersky. It came into the market in 2003. Scala Stands for Scalable Language. Scala is a JAVA based programming Language which is much easier to code than Java. So is treated as future replacement of Java in enterprise software development.

Scala programs / examples: This section contains solved Scala programs/examples on the various topics such as basic programs, conditions & control statement-based programs, looping programs, array & string programs, structure programs, function & package-based programs, etc. with examinations and outputs.

10 useful Scala solved programs

Scala Programs Index

Scala Basic Programs

  1. Scala program to print 'Hello World'
  2. Scala program to create the mutable variable
  3. Scala program to create an immutable variable
  4. Scala program to create different types of variables
  5. Scala program to print the value of variables using printf() function
  6. More Scala Basic Programs...

Scala User-defined Functions Programs

  1. Scala program to create a simple function
  2. Scala program to create a function with arguments
  3. Scala program to return a value from a function using the 'return' statement
  4. Scala program to return a value from the function without using the 'return' statement
  5. Scala program to create a function with default arguments
  6. More Scala User-defined Functions Programs ...

Scala Looping Programs

  1. Scala program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using while, do-while, and for loop
  2. Scala program to implement infinite loop using while and do-while loop
  3. Scala program to demonstrate the nested while and do-while loop
  4. Scala program to demonstrate the break statement in while and do-while loop
  5. Scala program to execute do-while loop at least 1 time on false condition
  6. More Scala Looping Programs ...

Scala Pattern Matching Programs

  1. Scala program to demonstrate the match statement
  2. Scala program to return match case value from a method
  3. Scala program to read a weekday number and print weekday name using match case
  4. Scala program to check the given character is vowel and consonant
  5. Scala program to implement an arithmetic calculator using a match case
  6. More Scala Pattern Matching Programs ...

Scala Array Programs

  1. Array Rotation in Scala
  2. Scala program to find the odd occurrences in an array
  3. Scala program to create strings array
  4. Scala program to convert Array to string
  5. Scala program to convert multiline strings to an array
  6. More Scala Array Programs ...

Scala String Programs

  1. Scala program to reverse a string
  2. How to determine if a string contains a regular expression in Scala?
  3. Scala program to split string
  4. Scala program to convert string to integer
  5. How to count the number of characters in a string in Scala?
  6. More Scala String Programs ...

Scala Classes & Objects Programs

  1. Scala program to demonstrate the 'private' access modifier
  2. Scala program to demonstrate the 'public' access modifier
  3. Scala program to create a private class
  4. Scala program to create a private singleton object
  5. Scala program to create a private case class
  6. More Scala Classes & Objects Programs ...

Scala Inheritance Programs

  1. Scala program to implement simple inheritance
  2. Scala program to implement multilevel inheritance
  3. Scala program to implement hierarchical inheritance
  4. Scala program to implement hybrid inheritance
  5. Scala program to demonstrate the protected access specifier
  6. More Scala Inheritance Programs ...

Scala Final Variables, Methods & Classes Programs

  1. Scala program to demonstrate the final data member
  2. Scala program to demonstrate the final method
  3. Scala program to demonstrate the final class
  4. More Scala Final Variables, Methods & Classes Programs ...

Scala Abstract Classes Programs

  1. Scala program to demonstrate the abstract class
  2. Scala program to create an abstract class with data members
  3. Scala program to create an abstract class with the constructor
  4. Scala program to create an abstract class with the non-abstract method
  5. Scala program to create an abstract class with the final method
  6. More Scala Abstract Classes Programs ...

Scala List Programs

  1. Scala program to demonstrate the List collection
  2. Scala program to access items of List collection using the index
  3. Scala program to remove duplicates from list
  4. How to create a range of characters (Lists, Sequence) in Scala?
  5. How to get the first element of list in Scala?
  6. More Scala List Programs ...

Scala Date & Time Programs

  1. Scala program to print the current time
  2. Scala program to print the current time in milliseconds
  3. Scala program to print the current date
  4. Scala program to print the current date and time using getTime() method
  5. Scala program to format the current time using SimpleDateFormat class
  6. More Scala Date & Time Programs ...

Scala Sequence Programs

  1. Scala program to create a sequence of integers
  2. Scala program to check a sequence is empty or not
  3. Scala program to demonstrate the endsWith() method for the sequence of integers
  4. Scala program to check a given number is exist in a sequence or not
  5. Scala program to reverse the elements of a sequence
  6. More Scala Sequence Programs ...

Scala Set Programs

  1. Scala program to demonstrate the Set collection
  2. Scala program to iterate set elements using the for loop
  3. Scala program to iterate set elements using the foreach loop
  4. Scala program to get the first element of Set using the head property
  5. Scala program to get all elements of the set except first element using tail property
  6. More Scala Set Programs ...

Scala Map Programs

  1. Scala program to store key/value pairs using Map collection
  2. Scala program to print iterate map using the for loop
  3. Scala program to add elements to the Map collection
  4. Scala program to delete elements from the Map collection
  5. Scala program to check a Map collection is empty
  6. More Scala Map Programs ...

Scala Vector Programs

  1. Scala program to demonstrate the Vector collection class
  2. Scala program to print the vector elements using the foreach loop
  3. Scala program to print the last element of a vector using the last() method
  4. Scala program to check a vector is empty or not
  5. Scala program to add an item into Vector collection
  6. More Scala Vector Programs ...

Scala Queue Programs

  1. Scala program to create a queue using Queue collection class
  2. Scala program to get the first item from the front-end in the queue
  3. Scala program to add an item in the queue using enqueue() method
  4. Scala program to delete an item from the queue using dequeue() method
  5. Scala program to check a queue is empty or not
  6. More Scala Queue Programs ...

Scala Trait Programs

  1. Scala program to create a simple trait
  2. Scala program to extend a trait in a class without implementing the abstract method
  3. Scala program to create a non-abstract method inside the trait
  4. Scala program to implement multiple traits in a class
  5. Scala program to implement trait Mixins
  6. More Scala Trait Programs ...

Scala Exception Handling Programs

  1. Scala program to handle Divide By Zero exception
  2. Scala program to handle multiple exceptions
  3. Scala program to print exact exception message
  4. Scala program to demonstrate the finally block
  5. Scala program to demonstrate the finally block without catch block
  6. More Scala Exception Handling Programs ...

Scala Threading Programs

  1. Scala program to print the state of the thread
  2. Scala program to check a thread is alive or not
  3. Scala program to set and get the priority of the thread
  4. Scala program to implement multi-tasking using thread
  5. Scala program to create a thread by extending Thread class
  6. More Scala Threading Programs ...

Scala scala.math Package Programs

  1. Scala program to find the largest number using scala.math.max() function
  2. Scala program to find the smallest number using scala.math.min() function
  3. Scala program to perform ceiling operation on given number using scala.math.ceil() function
  4. Scala program to perform floor operation on given number using scala.math.floor() function
  5. Scala program to get the natural logarithm of a Double number using scala.math.log() function
  6. More Scala scala.math Package Programs ...

Scala File Handling Programs

  1. Scala program to create a file
  2. Scala program to read data from a text file
  3. Scala program to read data from a file line by line
  4. More Scala File Handling Programs ...

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