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Python | Binary numbers representation (assign, conversion, bitwise operations)
Binary numbers representation in Python: In this tutorial, we will learn how to work with binary numbers, assignment of binary numbers, binary numbers conversion, and various bitwise operations on binary numbers.
By IncludeHelp Last updated : June 26, 2023
Assign binary value to the variable
To assign binary values to the variable, we use prefix 0b or 0B with the binary value.
# assign number as binary
# prefix 0b
num = 0b111101
print "num: ", num
# prefix 0B
num = 0B111101
print "num: ", num
num: 61
num: 61
Convert a decimal value to binary
To convert a decimal value to the binary, we use bin() Method, which is an inbuilt method in the Python.
Python program, that returns a binary value of given decimal value
num = 61
# print num in decimal and binary format
print "num (decimal) : ", num
print "num (binary ) : ", bin (num)
num (decimal) : 61
num (binary ) : 0b111101
Convert binary value to decimal
When, we print the binary value – there is no need to convert it; print prints the value in decimal format, like
print 0b111101 - its output will be 61.
Still, we can use int() method to convert it into decimal by defining base of the number system.
# print by using binary value
print 0b111101
# print by converting to decimal
print int ('0b111101 ', 2)
Bitwise OR (|) and AND (&) Operations
Here is the bitwise OR (|) and Bitwise AND (&) Operations:
a = 0b111101
b = 0b000010
# print value in binary
print "values in binary..."
print "a: ",bin (a)
print "b: ",bin (b)
# bitwise OR and AND operations
print "(a|b) : ", bin (a|b)
print "(a&b) : ", bin (a&b)
# print values in decimal
print "values in decimal..."
print "a: ",a
print "b: ",b
# bitwise OR and AND operations
print "(a|b) : ", int (bin (a|b),2)
print "(a&b) : ", int (bin (a&b),2)
values in binary...
a: 0b111101
b: 0b10
(a|b) : 0b111111
(a&b) : 0b0
values in decimal...
a: 61
b: 2
(a|b) : 63
(a&b) : 0