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Matplotlib MCQs
There are different libraries present in Python; Matplotlib is one of them. Matplotlib is a popular Python library. It is used for data visualizations. It has different functions and tools that can be used to make charts, plots, and graphs. Matplotlib is most widely used in data science, analytics, scientific research, engineering, finance, and different other domains for data visualization and exploration.
Matplotlib MCQs with Answers and Explanation
Matplotlib MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on Matplotlib. These MCQs are written for beginners as well as advanced, practice these MCQs to enhance and test the knowledge of Matplotlib.
List of Matplotlib MCQs
1. Who created Matplotlib?
- John D. Hunter
- Pearu Peterson
- Robert Kern
- Stéfan van der Walt
Answer: A) John D. Hunter
Matplotlib was created by John D. Hunter. Who was an American neurobiologist and the original author of Matplotlib.
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2. Is Matplotlib open-source and free?
- Yes
- No
Answer: A) Yes
Yes. Matplotlib is open-source and free.
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3. Matplotlib is designed to be as usable as ____.
- SciPy
- AI
- All of the above
Answer: B) MATLAB
Matplotlib is designed to be as usable as MATLAB, with the ability to use Python.
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4. Matplotlib is a ____ library for the Python programming language.
- data science
- mathematics
- numpy
- plotting
Answer: D) plotting
Matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language.
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5. Matplotlib can be used in which GUI toolkits?
- Tkinter
- wxPython
- Qt
- All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
The correct answer is all of the above. Matplotlib can be used in GUI toolkits like Tkinter, wxPython, Qt, or GTK.
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6. Which is the correct command to install Matplotlib?
- pip install matplotlib
- pip install matplotlib.pz
- pip install matplotlib.*
- All of the above
Answer: A) pip install matplotlib
If Python and PIP are installed in your system, then you can easily install the matplotlib library by using the below-given command –
pip install matplotlib
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7. Which is the correct import statement to import the matplotlib module?
- import matplotlib from mat
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib from plotting
- import matplotlib from plots
Answer: B) import matplotlib
The correct import statement to import the matplotlib module is:
import matplotlib
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8. Which method/attribute is used to check the installed version of matplotlib?
- __version__
- version()
- Both A and B
- None of the above
Answer: A) __version__
The __version__ attribute of matplotlib can be used to check the currently installed version of the matplotlib module. Consider the below-given example –
import matplotlib
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9. Which is the correct import statement to import pyplot?
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import pyplot from matplotlib
- Both A and B
- None of the above
Answer: A) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
The pyplot is the most useful utility /submodule of matplotlib and the correct import statement to import pyplot is:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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10. Which function is used to draw points (markers) in a diagram?
- write()
- draw()
- plot()
- paint()
Answer: C) plot()
The plot() function is used to draw points (markers) in a diagram. The syntax of plot() function is –
plot(x, y, scalex, scaley, data, **kwargs)
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11. Which is the correct code statement to draw a plot without a line?
- plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints)
- plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints, 0)
- plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints, False)
- plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints, 'o')
Answer: D) plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints, 'o')
You can draw a plot without lines by specifying the string notation parameter 'o', which means 'rings'. The correct code statement to draw a plot without a line is:
plt.plot(xpoints, ypoints, 'o')
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12. Which argument keyword can be used to emphasize each point with a specified marker in plotting?
- marker_points
- marker
- ring
- types
Answer: B) marker
When you want to highlight each point with a specified marker, you can use the keyword argument marker with the specified value. Consider the below code statement that can be used to highlight the points with rings –
plt.plot(ypoints, marker = 'o')
Here is the list of the values to highlight the point with a special marker: Reference
Marker |
Description |
'o' |
Circle |
'*' |
Star |
'.' |
Point |
',' |
Pixel |
'x' |
X |
'X' |
X (filled) |
'+' |
Plus |
'P' |
Plus (filled) |
's' |
Square |
'D' |
Diamond |
'd' |
Diamond (thin) |
'p' |
Pentagon |
'H' |
Hexagon |
'h' |
Hexagon |
'v' |
Triangle Down |
'^' |
Triangle Up |
'<' |
Triangle Left |
'>' |
Triangle Right |
'1' |
Tri Down |
'2' |
Tri Up |
'3' |
Tri Left |
'4' |
Tri Right |
'|' |
Vline |
'_' |
Hline |
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13. Which argument keyword can be used to change the style of the plotted line?
- line
- lines
- linestyles
- linestyle
Answer: D) linestyle
When you want to change the style of the plotted line, you can use the keyword argument linestyle with the specified value. Consider the below code statement that can be used to change the style of the plotted line –
plt.plot(ypoints, linestyle = 'dotted')
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14. What is the shorter keyword for the keyword argument 'linestyle' to change the style of the plotted line?
- line
- lines
- style
- ls
Answer: D) ls
The shorter keyword for the keyword argument linestyle to change the style of the plotted line is: ls.
plt.plot(ypoints, ls = 'dotted')
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15. Which function is used to set a label for the x-axis in pyplot?
- xlabel()
- set_x()
- x-axis()
- xaxi()
Answer: A) xlabel()
The xlabel() function is used to set a label for the x-axis. Consider the below code statement to set the x-axis.
plt.xlabel("Average Salary")
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16. Which function is used to set a label for the y-axis in the pyplot?
- ylabel()
- set_y()
- y-axis()
- yaxis()
Answer: A) ylabel()
The ylabel() function is used to set a label for the y-axis. Consider the below code statement to set the y-axis.
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17. Which function is used to set a title for the plot?
- desc()
- title()
- head()
- None of the above
Answer: B) title()
The title() function is used to set a title for the plot. Consider the below code statement to set a title for the plot –
plt.title("Employee Details")
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18. Which parameter is used to set the font properties for the plot?
- fontdict
- fonts
- fontfamily
- plotfonts
Answer: A) fontdict
The fontdict parameter is used to set the font properties for the plot. Consider the below syntax of using fontdict parameter –
# define font properties
font1 = {'family':'Arial','color':'Red','size':17}
# Apply font properties to title
plt.title("Employee Data", fontdict = font1)
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19. The 'fontdict' parameter can be used with which function(s)?
- xlabel()
- ylabel()
- title()
- All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
The fontdict parameter is used with xlabel(), ylabel(), and title() functions to set font properties for the title and labels.
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20. Which parameter is used to define the position/alignment of the plot title in the title() function?
- pos
- align
- loc
- All of the above
Answer: C) loc
The loc parameter is used to define the position/alignment of the plot title in the title() function with the following values –
Where "center" is the default value.
Consider the below code statement –
plt.title("Employee Data", loc = 'left')
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21. Which function is used to add grid lines to the plot?
- gridlines()
- grids()
- grid()
- gridmarks()
Answer: C) grid()
The grid() function is used to add grid lines to the plot. The syntax of the gird() function is –
# import statement
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(x, y) # Draw plot
plt.grid() # Add grids
plt.show() # Show plot with grids
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22. Which is/are the parameter(s) that can be used in grid() function to specify the line properties?
- color
- linestyle
- linewidth
- All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
The all of the above parameters (color, linestyle, and linewidth) can be used in grid() function to set the various line properties.
plt.grid(color = 'Yellow', linestyle = '--', linewidth = 0.9)
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23. Which function is used to draw multiple figures in one plot?
- subplot()
- subplots()
- pyplots()
- subpyplot()
Answer: A) subplot()
The subplot() function is used to draw multiple figures in one plot. This function takes three arguments to specify the layout of the figure.
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24. In the case of multiple figures drawn by using the subplot() function, which function is used to set the title to the entire figure?
- subplot()
- subplots()
- pyplots()
- subpyplot()
Answer: A) subplot()
If you have drawn multiple figures in one plot by using the subplot() function and want to set the title of the entire figure. You can use suptitle() function. The suptitle() function sets the title of the entire figure having multiple figures.
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25. Which function is used to draw a scatter plot?
- scatterplot()
- pyscatter()
- scatters()
- scatter()
Answer: D) scatter()
To draw a scatter plot, you can simply use the scatter() function. This function is used to plot one dot for each observation. It accepts two arrays of the same length for the x and y-axis.
plt.scatter(x, y)
Where x and y can be the NumPy arrays.
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26. Which parameter(s) is/are used to define the color of the points in a scatter plot?
- color
- c
- Both A and B
- None of the above
Answer: C) Both A and B
The color and its shorter c both can be used to define the color of the points in a scatter plot.
plt.scatter(x, y, color = 'Blue')
Where x and y can be the NumPy arrays.
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27. Which function is used to draw bar graphs?
- bar()
- bars()
- barchat()
- barplot()
Answer: A) bar()
To draw a bar graph, you can use the bar() function. Consider the below code statement to draw a bar graph –
name = ["Alvin", "Alex"]
age = [21, 23]
plt.bar(name, age)
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28. Why barh() function is used in plotting?
- To draw a bar graph with a specified height
- To draw a bar graph to print the highest values of a NumPy array
- To draw a horizontal bar graph
- None of the above
Answer: C) To draw a horizontal bar graph
The barh() function is used to draw a horizontal bar graph. The barh() function takes the same arguments as the "bar()" function. Consider the below code statement to draw a horizontal bar graph –
name = ["Alvin", "Alex"]
age = [21, 23]
plt.barh(name, age)
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29. In a horizontal bar graph, which parameter is used to set the height of the bars?
- height
- barheight
- hgt
- bheight
Answer: A) height
In a horizontal bar graph, the height parameter is used to set the height of the bars. Consider the below code statement –
name = ["Alvin", "Alex"]
age = [21, 23]
plt.barh(name, age , height = 0.1)
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30. Which function is used to create histograms in matplotlib?
- histograms()
- histogram()
- histgraph()
- hist()
Answer: D) hist()
In Matplotlib, the hist() function is used to create histograms. A histogram is a graph showing frequency distributions.
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31. How to print a list of styles available in Matplotlib in order to let you tailor your visualization based on your needs?
- print(plt.style)
- print(plt.style.available)
- print(plt.styles)
- print(plt.styles.available)
Answer: B) print(plt.style.available)
To print a list of styles available in Matplotlib in order to let you tailor your visualization based on your needs, you can use plt.style.available. Consider the below print statement –
The output would be –
['Solarize_Light2', '_classic_test_patch', '_mpl-gallery', '_mpl-gallery-nogrid', 'bmh', 'classic', 'dark_background', 'fast', 'fivethirtyeight', 'ggplot', 'grayscale', 'seaborn-v0_8', 'seaborn-v0_8-bright', 'seaborn-v0_8-colorblind', 'seaborn-v0_8-dark', 'seaborn-v0_8-dark-palette', 'seaborn-v0_8-darkgrid', 'seaborn-v0_8-deep', 'seaborn-v0_8-muted', 'seaborn-v0_8-notebook', 'seaborn-v0_8-paper', 'seaborn-v0_8-pastel', 'seaborn-v0_8-poster', 'seaborn-v0_8-talk', 'seaborn-v0_8-ticks', 'seaborn-v0_8-white', 'seaborn-v0_8-whitegrid', 'tableau-colorblind10']
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32. How to activate a style (for example, you want to activate 'fivethirtyeight' style) in Matplotlib?
- plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight')
- plt.style.apply('fivethirtyeight')
- plt.style('fivethirtyeight')
- plt.style.activate('fivethirtyeight')
Answer: A) plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight')
To activate a style in Matplotlib, you can use plt.style.use() function. Consider the below code statement to apply a style named "fivethirtyeight" –
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33. Which plot is also known as the 'Whisker plot' in Matplotlib?
- Bar
- Pie
- Histogram
- Box plot
Answer: D) Box plot
The Box plot is also known as the Whisker plot.
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34. Which is used for plotting a horizontal line?
- hline()
- ahline()
- xhline()
- axhline()
Answer: D) axhline()
For plotting a horizontal line, you can simply use the axhline() function.
matplotlib.pyplot.axhline(y, color, xmin, xmax, linestyle)
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35. Which function is used to save a Matplotlib plot as an image file?
- saveimage()
- saveimg()
- savefig()
- exportimgfig()
Answer: C) savefig()
The savefig() function is used to save a Matplotlib plot as an image file.
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36. Which color is the default color of a Matplotlib plot?
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Black
Answer: C) Blue
Blue is the default color of a Matplotlib plot.
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37. What is referred to as the graphical representation of data?
- Data Visualization
- Data Analysis
- Data Handling
- Data Plotting
Answer: A) Data Visualization
Data Visualization is referred to as a graphical representation of data.
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38. What is the default type of a histogram in Matplotlib?
- Line
- Bar
- Dotted lines
- Dashed lines
Answer: B) Bar
The default type of a histogram is Bar in Matplotlib.
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39. Which function is used to create a box plot in Matplotlib?
- plt.plot(type='box')
- plt.createbox()
- plt.plotbox()
- plt.boxplot()
Answer: D) plt.boxplot()
The plt.boxplot() function is used to create a box plot in Matplotlib.
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40. What is Pyplot is Matplotlib?
- Function
- Collection
- Class
- Module
Answer: D) Module
Pyplot is a Matplotlib module that provides a MATLAB-like interface.
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