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Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python
Here, we are implementing a Python program to implement rock paper scissors game.
Submitted by Abhinav Gangrade, on July 12, 2020
Module used:
In this script, we will use python's inbuilt module named random.
random module:
random is a Python inbuilt module which will help us to select any random element from a list or an array of elements. In this, we will use this module for selecting randomly the choice on behalf of the computer.
The rules of the games as:
Rock will be at 1.
Paper will be at 2.
Scissor will be at 3.
Rock vs Scissor => Rock wins.
Rock vs Paper => Paper wins.
Paper vs Scissor=> Scissor wins.
# importing the module
import random
Name=input("Enter your name: ")
print("The Rules of the game are as follow:\n"
"1) Rock at 1.\n2) Paper at 2."
"\n3) Scissor at 3."
"\nRock vs Paper=> Paper wins"
"\nRock vs Scissor=>Rock wins"
"\nPaper vs Scissor=> Scissor wins")
# entering into the loop if the
# user wants to play it again and again
while True:
print("Enter the choice:\n"
"1) Rock\n"
"2) Paper\n"
"3) Scissor")
# the user turn
choice=int(input("User turn:"))
# if we put an invalid choice then we will
# again take the input untill we put the right
# one
while choice<1 or choice>3:
choice=int(input("Invalid Choice Enter Again"))
if choice==1:
if choice==2:
if choice==3:
print("User choice is "+user_choice)
# users turn
print("Computers turn")
# using random for computers choice
# using randint function to select random
# from 1 to 3
# if the user choice is same as computer choice then
# again we will take the choice untill.
while choice==computer_choice:
if computer_choice==1:
if computer_choice==2:
if computer_choice==3:
print("Computer choice is "+comp_choice)
# the condition to win
# the rock winning condition
if (choice==1 and computer_choice==3) or (choice==3 and computer_choice==1):
print("Rock Wins")
elif (choice==1 and computer_choice==2) or (choice==2 and computer_choice==1):
print("Paper Wins")
print("Scissor Wins")
if result==user_choice:
print(f"{Name} wins")
print("Computer wins")
c=input("If you want to Continue(Y/N)")
if c=="n" or c=="N":
Enter your name: Abhinav
The Rules of the game are as follow:
1) Rock at 1.
2) Paper at 2.
3) Scissor at 3.
Rock vs Paper=> Paper wins
Rock vs Scissor=>Rock wins
Paper vs Scissor=> Scissor wins
Enter the choice:
1) Rock
2) Paper
3) Scissor
User turn:2
User choice is Paper
Computers turn
Computer choice is Scissor
Scissor Wins
Computer wins
If you want to Continue(Y/N)y
Enter the choice:
1) Rock
2) Paper
3) Scissor
User turn:1
User choice is Rock
Computers turn
Computer choice is Scissor
Rock Wins
Abhinav wins
If you want to Continue(Y/N)n