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Logical Operators on String in Python

By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 08, 2024

In Python, the following are the logical operators,

  • Logical AND (and)
  • Logical OR (or)
  • Logical NOT (not)

Python logical operators with strings

Below are the logical operators (operations) with the Python strings:

  • An empty string means False as a Boolean value, while a non-empty string means True as a Boolean value.
  • For "and" operator: If the first operand is True, it checks the second operand and returns the second operand.
  • For "or" operator: If the first operand is False, it checks the second operand and returns the second operand.
  • For "and" operator: If the operand is an empty string, it returns True; False, otherwise.

Python Logical Operators with Strings: Examples

Consider the below-given examples to understand the working of logical operators with Python strings:

Example 1

# Logical Operators on String in Python

string1 = "Hello"
string2 = "World"

# and operator on string
print("string1 and string2: ", string1 and string2)
print("string2 and string1: ", string2 and string1)

# or operator on string
print("string1 or string2: ", string1 or string2)
print("string2 or string1: ", string2 or string1)

# not operator on string
print("not string1: ", not string1)
print("not string2: ", not string2)


string1 and string2:  World
string2 and string1:  Hello

string1 or string2:  Hello
string2 or string1:  World

not string1:  False
not string2:  False

Example 2

# Logical Operators on String in Python

string1 = "" # empty string
string2 = "World" # non-empty string

# Note: 'repr()' function prints the string with
# single quotes
# and operator on string
print("string1 and string2: ", repr(string1 and string2))
print("string2 and string1: ", repr(string2 and string1))

# or operator on string
print("string1 or string2: ", repr(string1 or string2))
print("string2 or string1: ", repr(string2 or string1))

# not operator on string
print("not string1: ", not string1)
print("not string2: ", not string2)


string1 and string2:  ''
string2 and string1:  ''

string1 or string2:  'World'
string2 or string1:  'World'

not string1:  True
not string2:  False


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