Python Exception Handling Programs

An exception is a Python object that represents error that occurs during the execution of the program and this disturbs the flow of a program. In general, if Python does not encounter any scripts or lines of code then it raises a type of exception.

This section contains solved Python exception handling programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of exception handling, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Python exception handling programs.

List of Python Exception Handling Programs

  1. Python exception handling program (Handling divide by zero exception)
  2. Python exception handling program (Handling Type exception)
  3. Python program to illustrate importing exception from another file
  4. Python program to illustrate the import exception defined in another file and defining a new one
  5. Integer Input Validation with Exception Handling (Example of ValueError Exception) in Python
  6. Add two integers only with Exception Handling in Python
  7. Create a library with functions to input the values with exception handling in Python
  8. IndexError Exception in Python with Example
  9. ValueError Exception in Python with Example
  10. Python program to raise an exception
  11. Python Program for Raising User Generated Exception
  12. Python program to print inbuilt exception statement while type of exception is occurred

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