Python Tuple Programs (Examples)


In Python programming language – Tuples are used to store multiple items in a single variable, it is a collection that is ordered and unchangeable. A tuple is similar to a list, but the only difference between is that we cannot change the elements of a tuple whereas we can change the elements of a list.

A tuple is created by placing all elements inside parentheses () and separated by commas. The parentheses are optional, however, it is a good practice to use them.

Tuple Programs

This section contains the solved Python programs on tuples, practice these programs to learn the concept of Python tuples. These programs contain the solved code, explanation, and output used in the Python tuple programs.

List of Python Tuple Programs

  1. Python program to find the size of a tuple
  2. Python program for adding a Tuple to List and Vice-Versa
  3. Python program to find the maximum and minimum K elements in a tuple
  4. Python program to create a list of tuples from given list having number and its cube in each tuple
  5. Python program to remove all tuples of length K
  6. Python program to extract digits from tuple list
  7. Python program to find all pairs combination of two tuples
  8. Python program to join tuples if similar initial element
  9. Python program to sort a list of tuples by second item
  10. Python program to sort a list of tuples in increasing order by the last element in each tuple
  11. Python program to sort tuples by frequency of their absolute difference
  12. Python program to remove duplicate tuples irrespective of order
  13. Python program to order tuples by list
  14. Python program to concatenate maximum tuples
  15. Python program to flatten tuple of lists to a tuple
  16. Python program to change the sign of elements of tuples in a list
  17. Python program to convert integer values in a list of tuples to float
  18. Python program to convert set into tuple and tuple into set
  19. Python program to restrict tuples by frequency of first element's value in a tuple list
  20. Python program to extract tuples having K digit elements
  21. Python program to find tuples from list which have all elements divisible by K
  22. Python program to remove tuples from the list having every element as None
  23. Python program to assign frequency to tuples
  24. Python program to check if any list element is present in Tuple
  25. Python program to remove given character from the first element of Tuple
  26. Python program to extract tuples with all numeric strings
  27. Python program to perform tuple intersection in list (order irrespective)
  28. Python program to convert binary tuple to integer
  29. Python program to convert tuple matrix to tuple list
  30. Python program to convert tuple into list by adding the given string after every element
  31. Python program to sort tuples by their maximum element
  32. Python program to find tuples with positive elements in list of tuples
  33. Python program to find the frequency of all tuple elements
  34. Python program to perform cross pairing in tuple list
  35. Python program to concatenate tuple elements by delimiter
  36. Python program to extract all symmetric tuples
  37. Python program to perform cross tuple summation grouping using 2nd element
  38. Python program to perform row-wise element addition in Tuple matrix
  39. Python program to get even indexed elements in tuple
  40. Python program to sort tuples by total digits
  41. Python program to remove space between tuple elements
  42. Python program to print all pair combinations of elements from 2 tuples
  43. Python program to print all group tuples by Kth index element
  44. Python program to alternate elements operation on tuple
  45. Python program to convert Tuple to Tuple Pair
  46. Python program to extract adjacent coordinates in N dimension
  47. Python program to perform multiple keys grouped summation
  48. Python program to convert list of lists to tuple of tuples
  49. Python program to Flatten Nested Tuples
  50. Python program to clear tuple elements
  51. Python program to convert tuple string to integer tuple
  52. Python program to perform the operation to zip uneven tuples
  53. Python program to find the sum of tuple elements
  54. Python program to perform the tuple elements inversions
  55. Python program to perform union of tuple
  56. Python program to extract rear elements from tuple string
  57. Python program to index maximum among tuples
  58. Python program to perform nested tuple subtraction
  59. Python program to filter range length tuples
  60. Python program to perform tuple intersection
  61. Python program to get records with value at K index
  62. Python program to perform elementwise AND operation in tuple
  63. Python program to check if the given tuple is a true record or not
  64. Python program to concatenate consecutive elements in tuple
  65. Python program to perform AND operation on tuples
  66. Python program to find the maximum nested tuple
  67. Python program to remove nested records from tuple
  68. Python program to sort list of tuples alphabetically
  69. Python program to find maximum value in record list as tuple attribute
  70. Python program to find the index of minimum value record
  71. Python program to extract rear element from list of tuples record
  72. Python program to find the modulo of tuple elements
  73. Python program to perform pairwise addition in tuples
  74. Python program to perform concatenation of two string tuples
  75. Python program to extract maximum value in record list as tuple attribute
  76. Python program to find modulo of tuple elements
  77. Python program to perform division operation on tuples
  78. Python program to perform XOR operation on tuples
  79. Python program to raise elements of tuple as a power to another tuple
  80. Python program to create a tuple from string and list
  81. Python program for creating N element incremental tuple
  82. Python program to convert tuple to integer
  83. Python program to check if the element is present in tuple
  84. Python program to check if a tuple is a subset of another tuple
  85. Python program to perform multiplication operation on tuples
  86. Python program to perform comparison operation on tuples
  87. Python program to check if the tuple has any none value
  88. Python program to chunk tuples to N size
  89. Python program to access front and rear elements from tuple
  90. Python program to find the maximum element in tuple list
  91. Python program to add a dictionary to tuple
  92. Python program to update each element in the tuple list
  93. Python program to multiply adjacent elements of a tuple
  94. Python program to extract unique elements in nested tuple
  95. Python program to perform subtraction of elements of tuples
  96. Python program to check for None tuple
  97. Python program to convert tuple to adjacent pair dictionary
  98. Python program to count all the elements till first tuple
  99. Python program to perform the addition of nested tuples
  100. Python program to convert tuple to float value
  101. Python program to concatenate tuples to nested tuple
  102. Python program to perform summation of tuple in list
  103. Python program to flatten tuple list to string
  104. Python program to repeat tuples N times
  105. Python program to check if two lists of tuples are identical or not
  106. Python program to filter tuples according to list element
  107. Python program to find the maximum difference between tuple pairs
  108. Python program to record similar tuple occurrence
  109. Print a tuple with string formatting in Python
  110. Python program to sort the nested tuple using the sorted() function
  111. Python program to concatenate tuples to make a nested tuple

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