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Python Numeric Types
By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 07, 2024
In programming, Data Types are an essential concept. Data of various types can be stored in variables as per the task we want the variables to perform.
The built-in data types in Python are
- Text Type
- Numeric Type
- Mapping Type
- Sequence Type
- Set Type
- Boolean Type
- Binary Type
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the various numeric types in Python with examples.
Python Numeric Data Types
To store numeric values, we need specific numeric data types. Python has some of the data types to define numeric values – these numeric data types can be used to store various numeric values.
Types of Python Numeric Types
There are 3 numeric data types in Python:
- int
- float
- complex
1. Python int Type
Integer numeric type is used to store signed integers with no decimal points, like -5, 2, 78, etc.
Example of Python int Type
# Assigning integer values to Variables
x = 8
y = -9
# Manipulating the value of x
x = x + y
# Prints the updated value of x
print("x= ", x)
# Prints the Data Type of x
print("Data type of x: ", type(x))
x= -1
Data type of x: <class 'int'>
2. Python float Type
Float numeric type is used to store floating-point values like 6.66, 58.9, 3.14, etc. Floats can also be in scientific notation, with E or e indicating the power of 10 (3.6e3 = 3.6x 103 = 3600).
Example of Python float Type
# Assigning float values to Variables
x = 8.9
y = -9.1
# Manipulating the value of x
x = x - y
# Prints the updated value of x
print("x= ", x)
# Prints the Data Type of x
print("Data type of x: ", type(x))
x= 18.0
Data type of x: <class 'float'>
3. Python complex Type
Complex numeric type is used to store complex numbers like 3.14j, 8.0 + 5.3j, 2+6j etc.
Format: Real + Imaginary component j
Note: The imaginary component of a complex number must be denoted by j. If we denote it using i it is considered as invalid syntax in Python.
Example of Python complex Type
# Assigning complex values to Variables
x = 1+8.5j
y = 4+9j
# Manipulating the value of x
x = x + y
# Prints the updated value of x
print("x= ", x)
# Prints the Data Type of x
print("Data type of x: ", type(x))
x= (5+17.5j)
Data type of x: <class 'complex'>
Python Numeric Types: More Examples
Let's look at some simple Python programs to demonstrate the numeric data types:
Note: type() is a function used to determine the type of a variable
Example 1
Program to print the data types of variables
# Assigning Values to Variables
a = 10
b = -1
c = 15.9
d = 6 + 8j
# Printing data type of the Variables
print("Data Type of a: ", type(a))
print("Data Type of b: ", type(b))
print("Data Type of c: ", type(c))
print("Data Type of d: ", type(d))
Data Type of a: <class 'int'>
Data Type of b: <class 'int'>
Data Type of c: <class 'float'>
Data Type of d: <class 'complex'>
Example 2
Program to add complex numbers to integer and float type numbers
a = 2 + 9j # complex number
b = 2.8 # floating point number
c = 9 # integer
# addition of complex and integer
comp_plus_int = a + c
# addition of complex and float
comp_plus_float = a + b
# Printing result of addition and
# datatype of the result
print("Sum of complex and integer values= ",comp_plus_int)
print("Data Type After addition: ", type(comp_plus_int))
print("Sum of complex and float values= ", comp_plus_float)
print("Data Type After addition: ", type(comp_plus_float))
Sum of complex and integer values= (11+9j)
Data Type After addition: <class 'complex'>
Sum of complex and float values= (4.8+9j)
Data Type After addition: <class 'complex'>
To understand the above example, you should have the basic knowledge of the following Python topics: