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Python Dictionary Methods

By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 21, 2024

Here are the Python dictionary methods:

Method Description
clear() Method Removes all elements from the dictionary.
copy() Method Returns a shallow copy of the dictionary.
fromkeys() Method Creates a new dictionary with keys from a sequence and a set value.
get() Method Returns the value for a specified key.
items() Method Returns a view object containing key-value pairs.
keys() Method Returns a view object of all dictionary keys.
pop() Method Removes and returns the value of the specified key.
popitem() Method Removes and returns the last inserted key-value pair.
setdefault() Method Returns the value of a key and sets it if not already in the dictionary.
update() Method Updates the dictionary with another dictionary or iterable key-value pairs.
values() Method Returns a view object of all values in the dictionary.

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