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Python pprint (Pretty Printer) Module
By Abhinav Gangrade Last updated : December 21, 2024
Python pprint (Pretty Printer) Module
pprint is a python module that helps us to make the readability of the complex data structures easy. The pprint is also called as "pretty print".
Let us consider an example,
dictionary={'coord': {'lon': 77.22, 'lat': 28.67},
'weather': [{'id': 721, 'main': 'Haze', 'description':
'haze', 'icon': '50d'}], 'base': 'stations', 'main':
{'temp': 44, 'feels_like': 40.42, 'temp_min': 44,
'temp_max': 44, 'pressure': 1002, 'humidity': 11},
'visibility': 6000, 'wind': {'speed': 4.1, 'deg': 290,
'gust': 9.3}, 'clouds': {'all': 30}, 'dt': 1590398990,
'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 9165, 'country': 'IN',
'sunrise': 1590364538, 'sunset': 1590414050},
'timezone': 19800, 'id': 1273294, 'name': 'Delhi',
'cod': 200}
# This is the dictionary that we wanted to print
Now request module is of the article its just an example to create a nested data structure.
{'coord': {'lon': 77.22, 'lat': 28.67},
'weather': [{'id': 721, 'main': 'Haze', 'description': 'haze', 'icon': '50d'}],
'base': 'stations', 'main': {'temp': 44, 'feels_like': 40.42, 'temp_min': 44,
'temp_max': 44, 'pressure': 1002, 'humidity': 11}, 'visibility': 6000,
'wind': {'speed': 4.1, 'deg': 290, 'gust': 9.3}, 'clouds': {'all': 30},
'dt': 1590398990, 'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 9165, 'country': 'IN', 'sunrise': 1590364538, 'sunset': 1590414050},
'timezone': 19800, 'id': 1273294, 'name': 'Delhi', 'cod': 200}
As you can see, the output is not in a proper and readable way, we cannot read this complex nested dictionary structure.
To solve this issue of readability we will use the inbuilt module pprint.
How to download and use pprint module in Python?
There are two ways to download and use a pprint module. They are:
General way
In your terminal or command prompt, type the following command,
pip install pprint
Using pycharm
Go to the project interpreter and install the module.
Now after installing, import the module and there is a function in this module named pprint so import that as
from pprint import pprint
To make the structure look good just pprint() instead of print().
Python pprint Module Example
# import pprint from the module pprint
from pprint import pprint
dictionary={'coord': {'lon': 77.22, 'lat': 28.67},
'weather': [{'id': 721, 'main': 'Haze', 'description':
'haze', 'icon': '50d'}], 'base': 'stations', 'main':
{'temp': 44, 'feels_like': 40.42, 'temp_min': 44,
'temp_max': 44, 'pressure': 1002, 'humidity': 11},
'visibility': 6000, 'wind': {'speed': 4.1, 'deg': 290,
'gust': 9.3}, 'clouds': {'all': 30}, 'dt': 1590398990,
'sys': {'type': 1, 'id': 9165, 'country': 'IN',
'sunrise': 1590364538, 'sunset': 1590414050},
'timezone': 19800, 'id': 1273294, 'name': 'Delhi',
'cod': 200}
# This is the dictionary that we wanted to print
{'base': 'stations',
'clouds': {'all': 30},
'cod': 200,
'coord': {'lat': 28.67, 'lon': 77.22},
'dt': 1590398990,
'id': 1273294,
'main': {'feels_like': 40.42,
'humidity': 11,
'pressure': 1002,
'temp': 44,
'temp_max': 44,
'temp_min': 44},
'name': 'Delhi',
'sys': {'country': 'IN',
'id': 9165,
'sunrise': 1590364538,
'sunset': 1590414050,
'type': 1},
'timezone': 19800,
'visibility': 6000,
'weather': [{'description': 'haze', 'icon': '50d', 'id': 721, 'main': 'Haze'}],
'wind': {'deg': 290, 'gust': 9.3, 'speed': 4.1}}
The above output is clear and it is easily readable.