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Python bool() Function: Use, Syntax, and Examples

By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 07, 2024

Python bool() function

The bool() function is a library function in Python, it is used to convert a given value to the Boolean value (True or False) as per the standard truth testing procedures. It accepts a value (like an integer, list, map, etc) and converts it into a Boolean value.

Some of the examples:

  • None – converts to False
  • False – converts to False
  • Zeros (0, 0.0, 0j) – converts to False
  • Empty sequences like, (), [], ' ' – converts to False


The following is the syntax of bool() function:



The following are the parameter(s):

  • value – A value to be converted to the Boolean value, it's an optional parameter, if we do not pass any parameter – it returns False.

Return Value

The return type of bool() function is <class 'bool'>, it returns a Boolean value either True or False.

Python bool() Function: Example 1

# python code to demonstrate example
# of bool() function

x = 10
y = True
z = False




Python bool() Function: Example 2

# python code to demonstrate example
# of bool() function

val = False
print("val = ", bool(val))

val = True
print("val = ", bool(val))

val = 10
print("val = ", bool(val))

val = 0
print("val = ", bool(val))

val = 10.23
print("val = ", bool(val))

val = 0.0
print("val = ", bool(val))

val = "Hello"
print("val = ", bool(val))

val = []
print("val = ", bool(val))


val =  False
val =  True
val =  True
val =  False
val =  True
val =  False
val =  True
val =  False

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