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Social Justice – Class 11 Political Science MCQs

Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.

This section contains the multiple-choice questions and answers on Class 11 Political Science - Social Justice. Practice these MCQs to learn and test the skills of Social Justice.

List of Class 11 Political Science Social Justice Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers

1. Who gave the theory of justice?

  1. John Rawls
  2. Mihawk Frendy
  3. William Puth
  4. Plato

Answer: A) John Rawls


John Rawls gave the theory of justice.

2. Who gave the theory of veil of ignorance?

  1. Edwin
  2. Aristotle
  3. John Rawls
  4. Plato

Answer: C) John Rawls


John Rawls gave the theory of the veil of ignorance.

3. Which of the following promote social justice?

  1. Economic opportunity
  2. Educational opportunity
  3. Workplace opportunity
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


All of the above promotes social justice. Social justice promotes fairness and equity across many aspects of society.

4. "Rule of law and not rule of any person" defines?

  1. Legal justice
  2. Welfare propaganda
  3. Economy
  4. Political authority

Answer: A) Legal justice


Legal justice defines the rule of law and not the rule of any person.

5. Which of the following are the principles of social justice?

  1. Social rights
  2. Civil rights
  3. Political rights
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


The 3 principles of social justice are,

  1. Civil rights like the right to life, liberty, and property
  2. Political rights like the right to vote and
  3. Social rights are related to equal social opportunities.

6. Which of the following is a current social justice issue?

  1. LGBTQ+ rights
  2. To win election
  3. Orthodox society
  4. Culture

Answer: A) LGBTQ+ rights


LGBTQ+ rights is a current social justice issue.

7. "A Just society is that society in which an ascending sense of reverence and descending sense of contempt is dissolved into the creation of a compassionate society" who says this?

  1. B.R. Ambedkar
  2. John Rawls
  3. Mahatma Gandhi
  4. Plato

Answer: A) B.R. Ambedkar


B.R. Ambedkar says "A Just society is that society in which an ascending sense of reverence and descending sense of contempt is dissolved into the creation of a compassionate society".

8. "Justice implies something which it is not only right to do and wrong not to do; but which some individual person can claim from us as his moral right" who says this?

  1. B.R. Ambedkar
  2. J.S. Mill
  3. Aristotle
  4. William shakes

Answer: B) J.S. Mill


J.S. Mill says "Justice implies something which it is not only right to do and wrong not to do; but which some individual person can claim from us as his moral right".

9. Who wrote the book republic?

  1. J.S. Mill
  2. Plato
  3. Aristotle
  4. Jones thrill

Answer: B) Plato


Plato wrote the book republic.

10. Who wrote the book "the idea of justice"?

  1. Amartya Sen
  2. J.S. Mill
  3. Parry Kim
  4. Plato

Answer: A) Amartya Sen


Amartya Sen wrote the book "the idea of justice".


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