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Hazelcast MCQs (Multiple-Choice Questions)

Hazelcast is an open-source, in-memory data grid based on Java. It is a real-time stream processing platform, by using this you can build applications that take action on data immediately.

Hazelcast MCQs

Hazelcast MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on the various topics of Hazelcast. Practice these MCQs to test and enhance your skills on Hazelcast.

List of Hazelcast Multiple-choice Questions and Answers

1. What is Hazelcast?

  1. A ORM tool
  2. A centralized computing platform
  3. An in-memory data grid
  4. All of the above

Answer: C) An in-memory data grid


Hazelcast is an in-memory data grid.

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2. Is Hazelcast open-source?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Yes, Hazelcast is open-source.

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3. Which of the following is true about Hazelcast?

  1. Hazelcast is a centralized cache.
  2. Hazelcast is a distributed cache.
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: B) Hazelcast is a distributed cache.


Statement B is correct, Hazelcast is a distributed cache.

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4. Hazelcast can be only run in a single node?

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B) False


Hazelcast can be operated in isolation (as a single node) or in cluster mode (as numerous nodes).

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5. Which of the following configuration does Hazelcast supports?

  1. Programmatic Configuration
  2. XML-based Configuration
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: C) Both


Hazelcast offers both programmatic and XML-based configurations.

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6. Hazelcast by default uses JDK-based logging because ____?

  1. To improve caching
  2. To improve security
  3. To avoid dependencies
  4. All of the above

Answer: C) To avoid dependencies


To eliminate dependencies, Hazelcast employs JDK-based logging by default.

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7. In Hazelcast, which of the following data types is a distributed data structure that may hold many values for a single key?

  1. RingBuffer
  2. ReplicatedMap
  3. List
  4. MultiMap

Answer: D) MultiMap


In Hazelcast, Multimap data types are a distributed data structure that may hold many values for a single key.

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8. In terms of partitioning methods, Hazelcast has how many different sorts of distributed objects?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: A) 2


In terms of partitioning strategies, Hazelcast has two sorts of distributed objects:

  • Partitioned Data structure
  • Non-partitioned Data structure

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9. What are partitioned data structures?

  1. Partitioned data structures are data structures in which each partition holds a portion of the instance.
  2. Partitioned data structures are those in which a single partition stores the whole instance.

Answer: A) Partitioned data structures are data structures in which each partition holds a portion of the instance.


Partitioned data structures are data structures in which each partition holds a portion of the instance.

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10. Map, Multimap, and Cache come under which type of data structures?

  1. Partitioned Data structures
  2. Non-partitioned Data structures

Answer: A) Partitioned Data structures


The following are the partitioned Hazelcast data structures:

  • Map
  • MultiMap
  • Cache (Hazelcast JCache implementation)
  • Event Journal

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11. What are non-partitioned data structures?

  1. Non-Partitioned data structures are data structures in which each partition holds a portion of the instance.
  2. Non-Partitioned data structures are those in which a single partition stores the whole instance.

Answer: B) Non-Partitioned data structures are those in which a single partition stores the whole instance.


Non-partitioned data structures are those in which a single partition stores the whole instance.

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12. Queue, set, list comes under which type of data structures?

  1. Partitioned Data structures
  2. Non-partitioned Data structures

Answer: B) Non-partitioned Data structures


The following are the Non-partitioned Hazelcast data structures:

  • Queue
  • Set
  • List
  • Ringbuffer
  • FencedLock
  • ISemaphore
  • IAtomicLong
  • IAtomicReference
  • FlakeIdGenerator
  • ICountdownLatch
  • Cardinality Estimator
  • PN Counter

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13. You can use which of the following method to destroy a Hazelcast distributed object?

  1. End
  2. Finish
  3. Delete
  4. Destroy

Answer: D) Destroy


You can use the destroy method to destroy a Hazelcast distributed object.

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14. To obtain the map, which method is employed?

  1. Get
  2. getMap
  3. obtainMap
  4. obtain

Answer: B) getMap


To obtain the map, use the getMap function.

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15. By default, distributed maps have how many backups?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Many
  4. Zero

Answer: A) One


By default, distributed maps have one backup.

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16. How many types of backups are supported by Hazelcast?

  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 2

Answer: D) 2


The two types of backups are: sync and async and both synchronous and asynchronous backups are supported by Hazelcast.

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17. By default, backup operations are ____.

  1. Synchronous
  2. Asynchronous

Answer: A) Synchronous


By default, backup operations are synchronous.

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18. Which of the following backup do not block operations?

  1. Synchronous
  2. Asynchronous

Answer: B) Asynchronous


Sync backup operations have a blocking penalty, which may result in latency concerns, whereas Asynchronous backup operations do not.

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19. Do backups increase memory usage?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Backups increase memory use since they are also retained in memory.

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20. A map can have which of the following backup?

  1. Sync
  2. Async
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: C) Both


At the same time, a map can have both sync and async backups.

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21. Does the Hazelcast map has any restrictions on size?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


By default, Hazelcast maps have no size constraints and can grow indefinitely big.

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22. ____ restricts the maximum lifespan of an entry saved inside the map?

  1. Expiration
  2. Eviction

Answer: A) Expiration


Expiration restricts the maximum lifespan of an entry saved inside the map.

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23. The maximum size of the map is limited by ____.

  1. Expiration
  2. Eviction

Answer: B) Eviction


The maximum size of the map is limited by eviction.

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24. You can eliminate all map entries that match your condition, with the help of which of the following method?

  1. Erase_all ()
  2. Delete_all ()
  3. Delete ()
  4. RemoveAll()

Answer: D) RemoveAll()


You can eliminate all map entries that match your condition, with the help of the removeAll() method.

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25. Which of the following method will get you the statistics of maps in your Hazelcast?

  1. getLocalMapStats()
  2. getMapStats()
  3. getLocalMapStatstics()

Answer: A) getLocalMapStats()


the getLocalMapStats() method will get you the statistics of maps in your Hazelcast.

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26. You can add an item to one cluster member and delete it from another by using the ____.

  1. RingBuffer
  2. ReplicatedMap
  3. Queue
  4. MultiMap

Answer: C) Queue


You can add an item to one cluster member and delete it from another by using the Hazelcast distributed queue.

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27. A ____ queue is one that has a finite capacity.

  1. Restricted
  2. Bounded
  3. Priority

Answer: B) Bounded


A bounded queue is one that has a finite capacity.

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28. Hazelcast saves queue entries in ____ form by default?

  1. Serialised
  2. De serialised

Answer: A) Serialised


Hazelcast saves queue entries in serialised form by default.

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29. To add items to the Hazelcast list, which of the following methods is used?

  1. Insert
  2. Put
  3. Add

Answer: C) Add


To add items to the Hazelcast list, add methods is used.

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30. Hazelcast List is a ____ data structure?

  1. Non-partitioned
  2. Partitioned

Answer: A) Non-partitioned


The Hazelcast List is a non-partitioned data structure in which each value and backup is represented by its unique partition.

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31. Are duplicate elements permitted in Hazelcast Set?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


No, Duplicate elements are not permitted in Hazelcast Set.

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32. A ____ queue is a standard blocking queue that uses a comparator to arrange entries.

  1. Restricted
  2. Bounded
  3. Priority

Answer: C) Priority


A priority queue is a standard blocking queue that uses a comparator to arrange entries.

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33. The ____ of the Hazelcast RingBuffer data structure is where things are inserted.

  1. Tail
  2. Head

Answer: A) Tail


The tail of the Hazelcast RingBuffer data structure is where things are inserted.

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34. The ____ of the Hazelcast RingBuffer data structure is where objects are overwritten or expired.

  1. Tail
  2. Head

Answer: B) Head


The head of the Hazelcast RingBuffer data structure is where objects are overwritten or expired.

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35. You can insert an item in RingBuffer using which of the following method?

  1. Insert
  2. Put
  3. Enter
  4. Add

Answer: D) Add


You can insert an item in RingBuffer using the add method.

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36. A RingBuffer is configured with a capacity of ____ items by default.

  1. 50,000
  2. 10,000
  3. 1,00,000
  4. 5000

Answer: B) 10,000


A RingBuffer is configured with a capacity of 10000 items by default.

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37. By default, Hazelcast RingBuffer has a single ____ backup.

  1. Synchronous
  2. Asynchronous

Answer: A) Synchronous


By default, Hazelcast RingBuffer has a single synchronous backup.

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38. Does Hazelcast support GROUPBY SQL command?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


No, Hazelcast does not support the GROUPBY SQL command.

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39. Does Hazelcast support set operations like union, intersect, and minus?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


No, Hazelcast does not support set operations like union, intersect, and minus.

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40. Does Hazelcast support Logical predicates?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Logical predicates (such as and, or, not, Is) are supported by Hazelcast SQL.

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41. Does Hazelcast support JMX monitoring?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Yes, Hazelcast supports JMX monitoring.

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42. Does Hazelcast client are responsible to store data or have ownership to store data?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


Hazelcast clients are only used to access data held by the cluster's Hazelcast members. They are not in charge of storing data and do not claim ownership of it.

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43. The default load balancing mechanism of Hazelcast clients is set to ____.

  1. IP hash
  2. Weighted Round robin
  3. Round Robin

Answer: C) Round Robin


The default load balancing mechanism is set to round-robin.

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44. How many types of Transactions are supported by Hazelcast?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: A) 2


Hazelcast support two types of transactions: One_phase and Two_phase.

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45. The default transaction in Hazelcast is set to ____.

  1. One_phase
  2. Two_phase.

Answer: B) Two_phase.


The default transaction in Hazelcast is set to Two_phase.

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46. If you want better performance which of the following transaction type you should use?

  1. One_phase
  2. Two_phase

Answer: A) One_phase


It is advised that you use ONE PHASE as the transaction type if you desire greater performance, and TWO PHASE if system dependability is more essential than performance.

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47. In which of the following transaction type the commit log is recorded locally, but it is transferred to another cluster member?

  1. One_phase
  2. Two_phase

Answer: B) Two_phase


In the two_phase transaction type the commit log is recorded locally, but it is transferred to another cluster member.

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48. Hazelcast Jcache provides how many methods for cache configuration?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

Answer: D) 2


Hazelcast JCache provides two different methods for cache configuration:

  • declaratively: using hazelcast.xml/yaml or hazelcast-client.xml/yaml
  • programmatically: the typical Hazelcast way, using the Config API

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49. Hazelcast provides how many types of providers?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

Answer: D) 2


Hazelcast has two types of providers: Client providers and member providers.

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50. Which of the following provisions is used by cluster members in Hazelcast?

  1. Client provider
  2. member provider

Answer: B) member provider


Client Provider (for Hazelcast clients) and Member Provider (used by cluster members).

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51. Hazelcast JCache provide which of the following eviction policy?

  1. LRU
  2. LFU
  3. Both

Answer: C) Both


Hazelcast JCache has two well-known eviction policies: LRU and LFU.

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52. Which of the following is the default eviction policy?

  1. LRU
  2. LFU
  3. Both

Answer: A) LRU


The default eviction policy is LRU.

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53. Hazelcast support how many types of allocation strategies?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

Answer: D) 2


Hazelcast supports two allocation strategies:

  • Round-robin allocation strategy
  • NUMA-aware allocation strategy

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54. Which of the following is the default allocation strategy?

  1. Round-robin allocation strategy
  2. NUMA-aware allocation strategy

Answer: A) Round-robin allocation strategy


The round-robin allocation strategy is the default allocation strategy in Hazelcast.

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55. "____" implies that the cluster will be started even if not all members are present or accessible.

  1. Partial start
  2. Force start
  3. Full start

Answer: B) Force start


"Force start" implies that the cluster will be started even if not all members are present or accessible.

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56. A ____ is a Hazelcast client that connects to a Hazelcast cluster using a known set of cluster members' addresses.

  1. Unisocket client
  2. Clear client
  3. Smart client

Answer: C) Smart client


A smart client is a Hazelcast client that connects to a Hazelcast cluster using a known set of cluster members' addresses.

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57. A Hazelcast client that connects to a single member of a Hazelcast cluster is known as a ____ client.

  1. Unisocket client
  2. Clear client
  3. Smart client

Answer: A) Unisocket client


A Hazelcast client that connects to a single member of a Hazelcast cluster is known as a unisocket client.

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58. Partial start means that the cluster starts with an incomplete member set.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


True, Partial start means that the cluster starts with an incomplete member set.

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59. Which of the following is the default serialization in Hazelcast?

  1. Java Serialization
  2. Hazelcast Portable Serialization
  3. Hazelcast JSON Serialization
  4. Custom Serializers

Answer: A) Java Serialization


Java Serialization is the default serialization in Hazelcast.

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60. What is OSGI?

  1. Object service gateway initiated
  2. Open service gateway initiative
  3. Object source gateway initialized

Answer: B) Open service gateway initiative


OSGI stands for open-service gateway initiative.

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