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Flask Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries.

Flask MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on the various topics of Flask. Practice these MCQs to test and enhance your skills on Flask.

List of Flask MCQs

1. Flask framework is written in which of the following language?

  1. Java
  2. Python
  3. JavaScript

Answer: B) Python


The flask framework is written in python language.

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2. Is Flask an open-source framework?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Flask framework is open-source.

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3. Who developed the flask?

  1. Guido van Rossum
  2. Armin Ronacher
  3. James Gosling

Answer: B) Armin Ronacher


Armin Ronacher developed Flask.

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4. Which is better Flask and Django?

  1. Flask
  2. Django

Answer: A) Flask


API support is provided by Flask; however, API support is not provided by Django.

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5. By default, the flask server is ____?

  1. User-level thread
  2. Single-threaded
  3. multi-threaded

Answer: C) multi-threaded


By default, the flask server is multi-threaded.

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6. Flask is reliant on which of the following?

  1. Jinja template
  2. Werkzeug WSGI framework
  3. Only A
  4. Only B
  5. Both A and B
  6. JavaScript

Answer: E) Both A and B


Flask is reliant on the Jinja template engine as well as the Werkzeug WSGI framework.

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7. ____ is a framework for writing command line applications?

  1. MarkupSafe
  2. Jinja
  3. Click

Answer: C) Click


Click is a framework for writing command-line applications.

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8. Which of the following dependency makes the development server's reloader quicker and more efficient in Flask?

  1. Blinker
  2. Watchdog
  3. Jinja

Answer: B) Watchdog


Watchdog makes the development server's reloader quicker and more efficient.

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9. Flask is a framework for ____?

  1. Web development
  2. Mobile development
  3. Database development
  4. Cloud development

Answer: A) Web development


Flask framework is for web development.

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10. What is WSGI in Flask?

  1. Wide system gateway interface
  2. Wide server gateway interface
  3. Web system gateway interface
  4. Web server gateway interface

Answer: D) Web server gateway interface


WSGI stands for Web server gateway interface

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11. Which architecture does Flask follows?

  1. MVC
  2. MVP
  3. MVVM

Answer: A) MVC


Flask Framework follows MVC architecture.

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12. Does the flask have a built in abstraction layer?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) NO


Because Flask is a Micro Framework, it lacks a database abstraction layer.

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13. ____ is a virtual Python environment builder?

  1. venv
  2. env
  3. virtualenv

Answer: C) virtualenv


virtualenv is a virtual Python environment builder.

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14. The Flask class's ____function is a decorator that instructs the application which URL should call the related function?

  1. Route()
  2. Api()
  3. Name()

Answer: A) Route()


The Flask class's route() function is a decorator that instructs the application which URL should call the related function.

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15. To run the application in Flask which of the following command is used?

  1. Run flask
  2. Run—flask
  3. Flask
  4. Start-pythonflask

Answer: C) Flask


To launch the application, use the flask command or python -m flask.

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16. What is the default port for Flask?

  1. 8000
  2. 8080
  3. 3000
  4. 5000

Answer: D) 5000


The default port of Flask is 5000.

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17. How do you start the development server in flask?

  1. Flask run
  2. RunFlask
  3. Run—
  4. FlaskRun--

Answer: A) Flask run


The flask run command starts the development server in the flask.

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18. The project's endpoint's canonical URL has a ____ slash?

  1. Trailing
  2. Backward

Answer: A) Trailing


The project's endpoint's canonical URL has a trailing slash.

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19. The ____method is quite handy for creating a URL for a given function dynamically?

  1. URL()
  2. Make_url()
  3. url_for()
  4. Create_url()

Answer: C) url_for()


The url_for() method is quite handy for creating a URL for a given function dynamically.

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20. Which of the following method sends HTML form data to the server?

  1. Get
  2. Head
  3. Post
  4. Put
  5. Delete

Answer: C) Post


The post method sends HTML form data to the server.

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21. Which of the following method replaces the submitted content with all current representations of the target resource?

  1. Get
  2. Head
  3. Post
  4. Put
  5. Delete

Answer: D) Put


The put method replaces the submitted content with all current representations of the target resource.

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22. Which of the following method removes all existing representations of the resource specified by a URL?

  1. Remove
  2. Del
  3. Eliminate
  4. Delete

Answer: D) Delete


The delete method removes all existing representations of the resource specified by a URL.

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23. Which of the following is the most often used approach and sends data to the server in an unencrypted format?

  1. Get
  2. Head
  3. Post
  4. Put
  5. Delete

Answer: A) Get


Get method is the most often used approach and sends data to the server in an unencrypted format.

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24. Which of the following method is the same as the GET method but it does not have any response body?

  1. Get
  2. Head
  3. Post
  4. Put
  5. Delete

Answer: B) Head


The head method is the same as the GET method but it does not have any response body.

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25. All the CSS and JavaScript files are stored in which of the following folder?

  1. Static
  2. Component
  3. Root
  4. Config

Answer: A) Static


Static folder contains CSS and JavaScript files.

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26. Which of the following method is used to render a template?

  1. Render
  2. Template_render()
  3. Template
  4. Render_template()

Answer: D) Render_template()


To render a template you can use the render_template() method.

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27. Flask will look in the ____folder for templates?

  1. Static
  2. Application
  3. Template

Answer: C) Template


Flask will look in the templates folder for templates.

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28. To render the contents of a block defined in the parent template, which of the following function is used?

  1. {{ super() }}
  2. {{ parent }}
  3. Super {}
  4. {Body()}

Answer: A) {{ super() }}


To render the contents of a block defined in the parent template, use {{ super() }}.

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29. The conditional statements if-else and endif are enclosed in delimiter ____?

  1. [%..%]
  2. (%..%)
  3. {%..%}

Answer: C) {%..%}


The conditional statements if-else and endif are enclosed in delimiter {%..%}.

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30. Is it necessary to include enctype="multipart/form-data" in your form every time to upload files?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


enctype="multipart/form-data" is important otherwise the browser will not transmit your files at all.

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31. Which of the following attribute is used to gain access to cookies?

  1. Set
  2. Cookies
  3. Set_cookies

Answer: B) Cookies


The cookies attribute can be used to gain access to cookies.

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32. Flask extensions are usually named ____?

  1. Flask-Foo
  2. Flask extension
  3. Flask

Answer: A) Flask-Foo


Flask extensions are usually named "Flask-Foo" or "Foo-Flask".

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33. We Use the ____function to display a message?

  1. Display()
  2. Show()
  3. Flash()
  4. Message()

Answer: C) Flash()


We use the flash() function to display a message.

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34. A common response format when writing an API is ____?

  1. JSON
  2. XML
  3. HTML

Answer: A) JSON


A common response format when writing an API is JSON.

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35. Error code 429 is for ____.

  1. for Not Found
  2. for Unauthenticated
  3. Too Many Requests

Answer: C) Too Many Requests


Error code 429 means Too Many Requests.

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36. We use the ____method to cancel a request with an error code?

  1. Cancel()
  2. Abort()
  3. Remove()

Answer: B) Abort()


We use the abort method to cancel a request with an error code.

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37. Which of the following method is used to send a user to another endpoint?

  1. Direct()
  2. url()
  3. redirect()
  4. Page()

Answer: C) redirect()


Redirect() method to send a user to another endpoint.

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38. To release a session variable which of the following method is used?

  1. Pop()
  2. Release()
  3. Post()
  4. Del()

Answer: A) Pop()


To release a session variable pop() method is used.

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39. A ____is issued to each client session?

  1. Cookies
  2. Object
  3. Class
  4. Session ID

Answer: D) Session ID


A Session ID is issued to each client session.

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40. A ____is the time interval between when a client logs into and logs off of a server?

  1. Cookies
  2. Assembly time
  3. Session
  4. Run

Answer: C) Session


A session is the time interval between when a client logs into and logs off of a server.

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41. Session data is stored on ____?

  1. Server
  2. Client

Answer: B) Client


Session data is stored on the client.

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42. Which of the following method of request.cookies attribute is used to read a cookie?

  1. Get
  2. Post
  3. Put

Answer: A) Get


The get() method of request.cookies attribute is used to read a cookie.

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43. Which of the following extension sends mail to the users/clients?

  1. Mail
  2. Flask mail
  3. Mailtower

Answer: B) Flask mail


Flask mail extension sends mail to the users/clients.

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44. Which of the following adds an attachment to a message?

  1. Add()
  2. Add_attachment()
  3. Addon()
  4. Attach()

Answer: D) Attach()


Attach() adds an attachment to the message.

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45. We may specify the form fields in our Python script and present them using an HTML template using ____?

  1. Flask-form
  2. Flask-WTF
  3. Flask__forms

Answer: B) Flask-WTF


We may specify the form fields in our Python script and present them using an HTML template using Flask-WTF.

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46. What Flask extension may be used to build an Ajax application?

  1. Flask Sijax
  2. Flask-WTF
  3. Flask-Ax

Answer: A) Flask Sijax


Flask Sijax extension may be used to build an Ajax application.

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47. Sijax stands for ____.

  1. System Ajax
  2. Server Ajax
  3. Simple Ajax

Answer: C) Simple Ajax


Sijax stands for simple Ajax.

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48. Which of the following extension create an Admin interface in Flask?

  1. Admin
  2. Flask-admin
  3. AdminFlask

Answer: B) Flask-admin


The flask-admin extension creates an Admin interface in Flask.

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49. Sijax uses ____to pass the data between the browser and the server?

  1. Object
  2. XML
  3. HTML
  4. JSON

Answer: D) JSON


Sijax uses JSON to pass the data between the browser and the server.

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50. Which of the following returns one row from the query?

  1. One()
  2. Fetchone()
  3. Fetchonly()

Answer: B) Fetchone()


fetchone() returns one row from the query.

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51. session is a ____that stores data across requests?

  1. Dict
  2. Hash
  3. List

Answer: A) Dict


Session is a dict that stores data across requests.

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52. ____ is another deployment option for Flask application on web servers like nginix, lighttpd, and Cherokee?

  1. Flask-WSGI
  2. Flask
  3. FastCGI

Answer: C) FastCGI


FastCGI is another deployment option for Flask applications on web servers like nginix, lighttpd, and Cherokee.

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53. What is g in Flask?

  1. A global namespace for holding any data
  2. A local namespace for holding any data

Answer: A) A global namespace for holding any data


g in Flask is a global namespace for holding any data.

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54. How do you obtain the HTTP headers in Flask?

  1. Headers
  2. Http.head
  3. Flask.request.head
  4. flask.request.headers

Answer: D) flask.request.headers


flask.request.headers helps us to obtain the HTTP headers in Flask.

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55. How many types of data does a template have?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 2

Answer: D) 2


The template contains two types of data: Static and dynamic.

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56. A ____is a function that extends the functionality of another function without modifying it?

  1. Unit
  2. Module
  3. Decorator
  4. Component

Answer: C) Decorator


A decorator is a function that extends the functionality of another function without modifying it.

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57. In Flask, how do you return JSON??

  1. Jason()
  2. Jasonify()
  3. Jason_object()
  4. Jason.flask

Answer: B) Jasonify()


Jasonify() function returns JSON.

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58. Which of the following is a micro framework?

  1. Django
  2. Pyramid
  3. Flask

Answer: C) Flask


Flask is a micro framework.

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59. How many ways are provided by flask to establish the database connection?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 2

Answer: A) 3


Three ways are provided by flask to establish the database connection:

  • Before_request()
  • After_request()
  • Teardown_ request()

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60. Which of the following is the correct extension of Flask?

  1. .Flask
  2. .py
  3. .python
  4. .flask_python

Answer: B) .py


.py is the correct extension of the flask.

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