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JavaScript IndexedDB MCQs (Multiple-Choice Questions)

The IndexedDB is also known as the Indexed Database API which is a JavaScript application programming interface. JavaScript IndexedDB is provided by web browsers to manage a NoSQL database of JSON objects.

JavaScript IndexedDB MCQs

JavaScript IndexedDB MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on the various topics of JavaScript IndexedDB. Practice these MCQs to test and enhance your skills on JavaScript IndexedDB.

List of JavaScript IndexedDB Multiple-choice Questions and Answers

1. IndexedDB is ____.

  1. Java-based object-oriented database
  2. Python-based object-oriented database
  3. JavaScript-based object-oriented database

Answer: C) JavaScript-based object-oriented database


IndexedDB is JavaScript-based object-oriented database.

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2. Operations performed using IndexedDB are done ____.

  1. Asynchronously
  2. Synchronously

Answer: A) Asynchronously


Operations performed using IndexedDB are done asynchronously.

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3. IndexedDB is a ____ database.

  1. RDBMS
  2. Network database
  3. Hierarchical database
  4. NoSQL

Answer: D) NoSQL


IndexedDB is a NoSQL database.

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4. Does IndexedDB use Structured Query Language?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


IndexedDB does not employ Structured Query Language Because IndexedDB is a NoSQL database, it does not employ SQL.

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5. Which of the following method in IndexedDB can be employed to build a database?

  1. Build()
  2. New()
  3. Db()
  4. Open()

Answer: D) Open()


The open() method in IndexedDB can be employed to build a database.

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6. We use ____ to connect with IndexedDB.

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. JavaScript
  4. Go

Answer: C) JavaScript


We use JavaScript to connect with IndexedDB.

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7. The ____ method can be used to remove a database.

  1. deleteDatabase()
  2. Removedatabase()
  3. delDatabase()
  4. erasedatabase()

Answer: A) deleteDatabase()


The deleteDatabase() method can be used to remove a database.

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8. To close a database, we need to use which of the following function?

  1. IDBDatabase.end()
  2. IDBDatabase.close()
  3. IDBDatabase.finish()

Answer: B) IDBDatabase.close()


To close a database we need to use the function IDBDatabase.close()

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9. The connection is not terminated until all transactions have been completed.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


The connection is not terminated until all transactions have been completed.

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10. A database may have a single object-store.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: B) False


A database may have multiple object stores.

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11. IndexedDB's data is stored in ____.

  1. Object path
  2. Object stores
  3. Object repository

Answer: B) Object stores


IndexedDB's data is stored in object stores.

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12. Which of the following function can be employed to create an object store?

  1. ObjectStore()
  2. openObjectStore()
  3. createObjectStore()
  4. ObjectStoreCreate()

Answer: C) createObjectStore()


The createObjectStore() function can be employed to create an object store.

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13. To destroy the object store, use the ____ method.

  1. destroyObjectStore()
  2. delObjectStore()
  3. removeObjectStore()
  4. deleteObjectStore()

Answer: D) deleteObjectStore()


To destroy the object store, use the deleteObjectStore() method.

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14. We must open a transaction to conduct any operation in our database.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


We must open a transaction to conduct any operation in our database.

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15. The ____ method returns all the objects in the object store.

  1. All()
  2. Getall()
  3. Includeall()

Answer: B) Getall()


The getall() method returns all the objects in the object store.

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16. When the transaction is in ____ state, new requests can be made against it.

  1. Active
  2. Inactive
  3. Committing
  4. Finished

Answer: A) Active


When the transaction is in an active state, new requests can be made against it.

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17. Once all the requests associated with a transaction are completed then it attempts to ____.

  1. Active
  2. Inactive
  3. Committing
  4. Finished

Answer: C) Committing


Once all the requests associated with a transaction are completed then it attempts to commit.

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18. During the commit state, new requests can be made? Yes or No

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) No


During the commit state, no new requests can be made.

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19. After a transaction is committed or aborted then it is in the ____ state.

  1. Active
  2. Inactive
  3. Committing
  4. Finished

Answer: D) Finished


After a transaction is committed or aborted then it is in the finished state.

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20. An ____ is a type of object store that is used to seek up entries in another object store known as the referenced object store.

  1. Rank
  2. ID
  3. Index
  4. Indicator

Answer: C) Index


An index is a type of object store that is used to seek up entries in another object store known as the referenced object store.

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21. How many modes are there of transactions?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 3

Answer: D) 3


The three modes of transactions are: readwrite, readonly, and versionchange.

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22. Storage comes in how many types?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

Answer: D) 2


Storage comes in two types:

  • Persistent
  • Temporary

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23. Group limit of storage is also known as ____.

  1. Hard limit
  2. Core limit
  3. Soft limit

Answer: A) Hard limit


The group limit of storage is also known as the Hard limit.

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24. Global limit of storage is also known as ____.

  1. Hard limit
  2. Core limit
  3. Soft limit

Answer: C) Soft limit


Global limit of storage is also known as a soft limit.

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25. Does IndexedDB persistently stores your data?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


IndexedDB allows you to persistently store data within a user's browser.

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