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Equality – Class 11 Political Science MCQs
Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. There are different types of quality: Political, Social, Legal, Natural, and Economic equality.
This section contains the multiple-choice questions and answers on Class 11 Political Science - Equality. Practice these MCQs to learn and test the skills of Equality.
List of Class 11 Political Science Equality Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers
1. What is the main purpose of feminism?
- To exploit men
- To make women superior
- To empower women
- To show weakness of women
Answer: C) To empower women
The main purpose of feminism is to empower women. To ask for equality in society.
2. Who wrote Das Kapital?
- Karl Marx
- Aristotle
- Plato
- Sir William
Answer: A) Karl Marx
Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital which is also known as capital. He wrote the book in 1867.
3. Apartheid defines?
- No right
- Racial discrimination
- Want of whites
- Demand to become white
Answer: B) Racial discrimination
Apartheid was racial discrimination that existed in South Africa and Southwest Africa from 1948 till the early 1990s.
4. What is the full form of UNDP?
- United Nation Development Programme
- Unified Neon Developer Progress
- Unified Nation Development Programme
- Unification Of Developing Propaganda
Answer: A) United Nation Development Programme
UNDP stands for "United Nations Development Programme".
5. What is the full form of UDHR?
- Universal Development Human Resources
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- United Development of Human Rights
- Unified Development of Human Resource
Answer: B) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UDHR stands for "Universal Declaration of Human Rights".
6. Which of the following is a political doctrine of equal rights for women and men?
- Feminism
- Communism
- Child Act
- Focal Act
Answer: A) Feminism
Feminism is a political doctrine of equal rights for women and men.
7. Who wrote The Communist Manifesto?
- Karl Marx
- Friedrich Engels
- Luis Thomson
- Both A and B
Answer: D) Both A and B
The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
8. Who is the father of socialism?
- Karl Marx
- Ambedkar
- Friedrich
- Mary Thomson
Answer: A) Karl Marx
Karl Marx is the father of socialism.
9. Who created capitalism?
- Karl Marx
- Adam Smith
- Bentham
- Thomson
Answer: B) Adam Smith
Adam Smith created capitalism.
10. Which article in the constitution of India provides equality before the law?
- Article 14
- Article 15
- Article 24
- Article 16
Answer: A) Article 14
Article 14 of the Constitution of India provides for equality before the law or equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.