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SQL Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
SQL stands for "Structured Query Language". SQL is used to communicate with the various databases. according to the ANSI, SQL is the standard language for Relational Database Management Systems. It allows you to access and manipulate the databases.
This section contains the SQL MCQ on various topics such as basics, various commands like select, insert, delete, etc., joins, alias, procedures, comments, operators etc.
These SQL MCQs are written for beginners as well as advanced, practice these MCQs to enhance and test the knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language).
SQL Multiple-Choice Questions Index
- MCQ | SQL – Basics (Set 1)
- MCQ | SQL – Basics (Set 2)
- MCQ | SQL – Data Types
- MCQ | SQL – Operators
- MCQ | SQL – Commands: DDL, DML, DCL, TCL, DQL
- MCQ | SQL – Auto Increment, Like, Commit and Rollback
- MCQ | SQL – Database
- MCQ | SQL – Table
- MCQ | SQL – Select, Clause, Order By, Insert, Update and Delete Statements
- MCQ | SQL – Keys
- MCQ | SQL – Injection
- MCQ | SQL – Comments, Group By, Cast Function
- MCQ | SQL – Functions
- MCQ | SQL – Scalar Functions
- MCQ | SQL – Script
- MCQ | SQL – Codd's 12 Rules
- MCQ | SQL – SET Operators
- MCQ | SQL – Index
- MCQ | SQL – EXCEPT Clause
- MCQ | SQL – Constraints Clause
- MCQ | SQL – Sub Queries, Views Clause
- MCQ | SQL – BETWEEN, CRUD Operations
- MCQ | SQL – Concatenate, Savepoint, TIME
- MCQ | SQL – Pattern Matching