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EmberJS Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript web framework that utilizes a component-service pattern. It allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications.

EmberJS MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on the various topics of EmberJS. Practice these MCQs to test and enhance your skills on EmberJS.

List of EmberJS MCQs

1. EmberJS is a ____ framework?

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. JavaScript
  4. Ruby

Answer: C) JavaScript


EmberJS is a JavaScript framework.

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2. EmberJS is a client-side framework or a server-side framework?

  1. Server-side
  2. Client-side

Answer: B) Client-side


EmberJS is a client-side JavaScript framework.

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3. EmberJS is the framework used for ____?

  1. Developing a web application
  2. Testing a web application
  3. Deploy a web application
  4. Design a web application

Answer: A) Developing a web application


EmberJS is a framework that is used for developing a web application.

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4. Is EmberJS an open-source framework?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


EmberJS is an open-source framework.

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5. Who developed EmberJS?

  1. Brendan Eich
  2. Yehuda Katz
  3. Miško Hevery

Answer: B) Yehuda Katz


EmberJS was developed by Yehuda Katz.

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6. Which pattern does EmberJS follows?

  1. MVVM
  2. MVC
  3. MVP

Answer: B) MVC


EmberJS follows the MVC pattern i.e., model-view-controller.

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7. A ____ simply reflects the application's state and correlates to a URL?

  1. Models
  2. Components
  3. Route object
  4. Controllers

Answer: C) Route object


A Route object simply reflects the application's state and correlates to a URL.

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8. Every route is coupled with a ____ object, which contains data related to the application's current state.

  1. Model
  2. Components
  3. View
  4. Controllers

Answer: A) Model


Every route is coupled with a Model object, which contains data related to the application's current state.

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9. ____ are used to provide display logic to models.

  1. Model
  2. Components
  3. View
  4. Controllers

Answer: D) Controllers


Controllers are used to provide display logic to models.

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10. ____ are incorporated into templates to facilitate advanced processing of user events or to offer reusable behavior.

  1. Model
  2. Components
  3. View
  4. Controllers
  5. Routes

Answer: C) View


Views are incorporated into templates to facilitate the advanced processing of user events or to offer reusable behavior.

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11. ____ are indeed a specialized view that allows you to create unique components that can be readily reused in templates.

  1. Model
  2. Components
  3. View
  4. Controllers
  5. Routes

Answer: B) Components


Components are indeed a specialized view that allows you to create unique components that can be readily reused in templates.

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12. Does EmberJS supports Data binding?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


EmberJS does support data binding.

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13. What was the original name of EmberJS?

  1. SproutCore MVC framework
  2. An MVC framework
  3. Yehuda MVC
  4. None

Answer: A) SproutCore MVC framework


Original name of EmberJS is SproutCore MVC framework.

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14. ____ is one of the fastest DOM rendering engines?

  1. Blink
  2. WebKit
  3. Trident
  4. Glimmer

Answer: D) Glimmer


Glimmer is one of the fastest DOM rendering engines.

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15. Does EmberJS uses Glimmer?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: A) Yes


Ember's rendering engine is based on Glimmer.

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16. ____ is a technique for establishing a relationship between the data reflected in the Frontend and the information stored in your model, which is handled by business logic.

  1. Data binding
  2. Controller representation
  3. Handlebars
  4. Templating

Answer: A) Data binding


Data binding is a technique for establishing a relationship between the data reflected in the Frontend and the information stored in your model, which is handled by business logic.

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17. The development approach of Ember.js is based on ____.

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. All of the above
  5. Only A and C
  6. Both A and B

Answer: F) Both A and B


The development approach of Ember.js is based on HTML and CSS.

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18. The ____ are Ember.js fundamental capabilities that are used to manage URLs.

  1. Model
  2. View
  3. Controller
  4. Routes

Answer: D) Routes


The routes are Ember.js fundamental capabilities that are used to manage URLs.

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19. To install EmberJS which of the following dependencies you need to have in your system?

  1. Git
  2. NodeJS
  3. Browser
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


To install EmberJS following dependencies you need to have in your system:

  • Git
  • NodeJS
  • Browser

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20. Which of the following functions are performed by the route handler in EmberJS?

  1. It offers the template.
  2. It specifies the model that the template will have access to.
  3. If the user does not have the authorization to browse a specific section of the app, the router will divert to a different route.
  4. All of the above
  5. Only A and C

Answer: D) All of the above


Following are the function that the route handler performs:

  • It offers the template.
  • It specifies the model that the template will have access to.
  • If the user does not have the authorization to browse a specific section of the app, the router will divert to a different route.

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21. Model, route, component, template, and style directories and files are specified in which of the following folder?

  1. Config
  2. Dist
  3. Public
  4. App
  5. Static

Answer: D) App


Model, route, component, template, and style directories and files are specified in the App folder.

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22. Which of the following folder in EmberJS contains the environment.js directory, which is used to configure an application's settings?

  1. Config
  2. Dist
  3. Public
  4. App
  5. Static

Answer: A) Config


The config folder contains the environment.js directory, which is used to configure an application's settings.

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23. Which of the following folder in EmberJS contains materials like photos, fonts, and so on?

  1. Config
  2. Dist
  3. Public
  4. App
  5. Static

Answer: C) Public


Public folder contains materials like photos, fonts, and so on.

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24. Ember CLI's ephemeral files are stored in this directory?

  1. Config
  2. Dist
  3. Temp
  4. App
  5. Static

Answer: C) Temp


Ember CLI's ephemeral files are stored in the Temp directory.

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25. All objects in Ember.js are derived from the ____?

  1. Ember.object
  2. Objects
  3. Ember.obj

Answer: A) Ember.object


All objects in Ember.js are derived from Ember.Object.

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26. The approach of object-oriented analysis and design is known as ____

  1. Object
  2. Object models
  3. Object-oriented models
  4. Object modeling

Answer: D) Object modeling


The approach of object-oriented analysis and design is known as object modeling.

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27. A ____ is a template or blueprint that contains a set of variables and functions.

  1. Object
  2. Class
  3. Instance
  4. Component

Answer: B) Class


A class is a template or blueprint that contains a set of variables and functions.

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28. ____ are associated with the class's object.

  1. Object
  2. Routes
  3. Instances
  4. Components

Answer: C) Instances


Instances are associated with the class's object.

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29. Which of the following function could be employed to build new Ember classes?

  1. Ember.new()
  2. Ember.class()
  3. Ember.object()
  4. Ember.extend()

Answer: D) Ember.extend()


Ember.extend() Object's function could be employed to build new Ember classes.

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30. How many types of specifying route models are there in EmberJS?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: A) 2


There are two types of specifying routes models:
Dynamic model, multiple models.

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31. The ____templating toolkit enables the creation of complex user interfaces by combining static HTML with dynamic content?

  1. Handlebars
  2. Routes object
  3. Components

Answer: A) Handlebars


The Handlebars templating toolkit enables the creation of complex user interfaces by combining static HTML with dynamic content.

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32. The helpers can be nested by using the ____

  1. {}
  2. []
  3. ()

Answer: C)()


The helpers can be nested by using the parentheses().

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33. The conditional statements in EmberJS begin with ____?

  1. {}
  2. []
  3. ()
  4. #

Answer: D) #


The conditional statements in EmberJS begins with #.

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34. How do you end the conditional statement in EmberJS?

  1. {()}
  2. {{))
  3. {{/}}
  4. {}

Answer: C) {{/}}


Conditional statements begin with the #(Hash) before the helper's name and end with the closing expression, i.e., {{/}} double curly brace.

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35. In which of the following conditional statement only a false block of statements is executed?

  1. #if
  2. #unless

Answer: B) #unless


In #unless conditional statement only a false block of statements is executed.

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36. The ____ component may be used to build a link to a route?

  1. {{Link-to}}
  2. {link-route}
  3. {application-link}

Answer: A) {{Link-to}}


The link-to component may be used to build a link to a route.

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37. The ____ helper may be used to make the HTML element clickable.

  1. Link
  2. Input helpers
  3. Action helper

Answer: C) Action helper


The action helper may be used to make the HTML element clickable.

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38. Each component in EmberJS must have a ____in their name.

  1. () Parenthesis
  2. {} Curly brackets
  3. – Dash
  4. _Underscore

Answer: C) – Dash


Each component in EmberJS must have a dash in its name.

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39. How many methods does the component life cycle contains?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

Answer: A) 3


The component life cycle contains three methods in EmberJS:

  • On Initial Render
  • On Re-Render
  • On Component Destroy

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40. A ____ should describe the page's contents when a user refreshes it.

  1. Controller
  2. Model
  3. View

Answer: B) Model


A model should describe the page's contents when a user refreshes it.

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41. The ____ serves as a central repository and cache for all records in an application.

  1. Store
  2. Models
  3. Records
  4. Adapter
  5. Caching

Answer: A) Store


The store serves as a central repository and cache for all records in an application.

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42. A ____ is an instance of a model that contains information that has been loaded from a server, and it may be identified by its model type and ID.

  1. Store
  2. Models
  3. Records
  4. Adapter
  5. Caching

Answer: C) Records


A record is an instance of a model that contains information that has been loaded from a server, and it may be identified by its model type and ID.

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43. An ____ is an object that is in charge of converting requests from Ember into suitable calls to a certain server backend.

  1. Store
  2. Models
  3. Records
  4. Adapter
  5. Caching

Answer: D) Adapter


An adapter is an object that is in charge of converting requests from Ember into suitable calls to a certain server backend.

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44. How many types of relationships does EmberJS supports?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 2

Answer: A) 3


EmberJS supports three types of relationships:

  • One to one
  • One to many
  • Many to Many

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45. ____ refers to information that is utilized for a certain model or type rather than a record.

  1. Router
  2. Objects
  3. Metadata
  4. Models

Answer: C) Metadata


Metadata refers to information that is utilized for a certain model or type rather than a record.

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46. How many types of built-in adapters are there in EmberJS?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

Answer: A) 3


There are three types of built-in adapters in EmberJS:

  • DS.Adapter
  • DS.JSONAPIAdapter
  • DS.RESTAdapter

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47. Which of the following is a basic adapter with no extra functionality in EmberJS?

  1. DS.Adapter
  2. DS.JSONAPIAdapter
  3. DS.RESTAdapter

Answer: A) DS.Adapter


DS.Adapter is a basic adapter with no extra functionality in EmberJS.

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48. Which of the following is a default adapter?

  1. DS.Adapter
  2. DS.JSONAPIAdapter
  3. DS.RESTAdapter

Answer: B) DS.JSONAPIAdapter


DS.JSONAPIAdapter is a default adapter.

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49. Which of the following adapter in EmberJS is used to connect with an HTTP server via your store, which sends JSON using XHR?

  1. DS.Adapter
  2. DS.JSONAPIAdapter
  3. DS.RESTAdapter

Answer: C) DS.RESTAdapter


DS.RESTAdapter in EmberJS is used to connect with an HTTP server via your store, which sends JSON using XHR.

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50. Which of the following, Essentially, maintains and monitors all packages, as well as analyses new updates?

  1. Components
  2. Packages
  3. Bower

Answer: C) Bower


Bower Essentially, it maintains and monitors all packages, as well as analyses new updates.

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51. Which of the following is a technique that is used by an Ember application to define and instantiate the objects and dependent classes between them?

  1. Ember routers
  2. Dependency Injection
  3. Application dependency

Answer: B) Dependency Injection


Dependency injection is a technique that is used by an Ember application to define and instantiate the objects and dependent classes between them.

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52. A ____defines an application portion, such as a route or a template, and is associated with a certain key.

  1. Factory
  2. Bower
  3. Registration
  4. Dependency Injection
  5. Application dependency

Answer: A) Factory


A factory defines an application portion, such as a route or a template, and is associated with a certain key.

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53. Registration key in EmberJS includes how many parts?

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2

Answer: D) 2


The registration Key in EmberJS includes 2 parts: One is factory type and the second is the name of the factory.

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54. One is factory type and the second is the name of the factory is and both segments split by____?

  1. – dash
  2. () Parenthesis
  3. : colon

Answer: C) : colon


One is factory type and the second is the name of the factory is and both segments split by : colon.

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55. A feature in EmberJS has how many flags?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: B) 3


A feature in EmberJS has three flags:

  • True
  • Null
  • false

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56. ____ is a browser add-on for debugging Ember apps?

  1. Ember router
  2. Ember dependency
  3. Ember inspector

Answer: C) Ember inspector


Ember inspector is a browser add-on for debugging Ember apps.

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57. Which of the following are the alternatives to EmberJS?

  1. Angular.
  2. angularjs.
  3. Ext JS.
  4. Knockout.js
  5. All of the above

Answer: E) All of the above


The alternatives of EmberJS are:

  • Angular.
  • angularjs.
  • Ext JS.
  • Knockout.js

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58. Which of the following is the recent version of EmberJS?

  1. 4.9. 1
  2. 3.9
  3. 2.1

Answer: A) 4.9. 1


4.9. 1 is the recent version of EmberJS.

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59. Which of the following is used to translate JSON data into a record object?

  1. Store
  2. Models
  3. Records
  4. Adapter
  5. Serializer

Answer: E) Serializer


Serializer is used to translate JSON data into a record object.

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60. Is route and router the same thing in EmberJS?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: B) NO


No, Route and Router both are different things in EmberJS.

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61. Suppose you are asked to create a new application, which command would you use in EmberJS to create a new application?

  1. New_application
  2. Ember new application
  3. Create_new_app
  4. All of the above

Answer: B) Ember new application


Ember new application is the command that we will use in EmberJS to create a new application.

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62. Which of the following command aid us to start the development server in EmberJS?

  1. EmberJS start
  2. EmberJS new
  3. EmberJS serve
  4. EmberJS server

Answer: C) EmberJS serve


EmberJS command aid us to start the development server in EmberJS.

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63. Which of the following shortcut you would use to stop the development server?

  1. CTRL+V
  2. CTRL+Z
  4. CTRL+C
  5. CTRL+S

Answer: D) CTRL+C


CTRL +C shortcut we will use to stop the development server.

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