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Spring Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
The Spring Framework is an application framework of Java. It is light-weight and supports various frameworks like struts, hibernate, tapestry, etc. Its core features can be used by any Java application.
Spring MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on the various topics of Spring. Practice these MCQs to test and enhance your skills on Spring.
List of Spring MCQs
1. Spring framework was released in ____.
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2005
Answer: C) 2003
The spring framework was released in June 2003.
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2. Is Spring framework open-source?
- Yes
- No
Answer: A) Yes
Yes, the Spring framework is open-source.
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3. What is IOC?
- Integral of conversion
- Integrated oriented control
- Inversion of conversion
- Inversion of control
Answer: D) Inversion of control
IOC stands for Inversion of control.
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4. IOC is also known as ____.
- Dependency injection
- Bean Factory
- Application dependency
Answer: A) Dependency injection
IOC is also known as Dependency injection.
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5. Which of the following clearly states the role of IOC in Spring?
- To instantiate the application class
- To setup the object
- To assemble the object dependencies
- All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
Following are the responsibilities of IOC in Spring:
- To instantiate the application class
- To setup the object
- To assemble the object dependencies
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6. How many types of IOC containers are there?
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
Answer: D) 2
There are two types of IOC containers:
- BeanFactory
- ApplicationContext
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7. Which is better to use, ApplicationContext or BeanFactory?
- BeanFactory
- ApplicationContext
Answer: B) ApplicationContext
The ApplicationContext interface is constructed on top of the BeanFactory interface. So, it provides more capabilities than BeanFactory, therefore it is better to use ApplicationContext than BeanFactory.
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8. ____ are the objects that constitute the backbone of your application and are maintained by the Spring IoC container?
- Threads
- Process
- Beans
- Application
Answer: C) Beans
Beans are the objects that constitute the backbone of your application and are maintained by the Spring IoC container.
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9. ____ is a design technique that eliminates dependencies from programming code to make the application easier to manage and test.
- Dependency Injection (DI)
- Dependency Lookup (DL)
- Dependency constructor (DC)
Answer: A) Dependency Injection (DI)
Dependency Injection (DI) is a design technique that eliminates dependencies from programming code to make the application easier to manage and test.
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10. The ____ method obtains the resource after the demand
- Dependency Injection (DI)
- Dependency Lookup (DL)
- Dependency constructor (DC)
Answer: B) Dependency Lookup (DL)
The Dependency Lookup method obtains the resource after demand.
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11. In how many ways you can inject dependency?
- 4
- 2
- 5
- 7
Answer: B) 2
The Spring framework provides two methods for injecting dependencies:
- By constructor
- By Setter method
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12. The dependency lookup technique strongly couples the code?
- True
- False
Answer: A) True
Yes, The dependency lookup technique strongly couples the code, which makes it a problem to use this approach.
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13. Does the Dependency Lookup technique causes several issues when testing the program, particularly in black box testing?
- Yes
- No
Answer: A) Yes
The Dependency Lookup technique causes several issues when testing the program, particularly in black box testing.
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14. Spring framework's ____ capability allows you to insert object dependencies indirectly.
- Autowiring
- Autoreferences
- Applicationbean
- AutoBeans
Answer: A) Autowiring
Spring framework's autowiring capability allows you to insert object dependencies indirectly.
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15. Does Autowiring requires more coding?
- Yes
- No
Answer: B) No
No, Autowiring needs the least amount of coding.
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16. Which of the following is the default autowiring mode?
- Byname
- ByType
- No
- Constructor
Answer: C) No
No is the standard autowiring mode. It signifies that autowiring is off by default.
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17. When using ____ autowiring mode, the bean id and reference name must be identical.
- Byname
- ByType
- No
- Constructor
Answer: A) Byname
When using byName autowiring mode, the bean id and reference name must be identical.
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18. Which of the following scope, restricts the bean specification to a single instance per Spring IoC container?
- Singleton
- Prototype
- Session
- Global-session
Answer: A) Singleton
Singleton scope, restricts the bean specification to a single instance per Spring IoC container.
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19. Which of the following scope allows a single bean specification to have an unlimited number of object instances?
- Singleton
- Prototype
- Session
- Global-session
Answer: B) Prototype
Prototype scope allows a single bean specification to have an unlimited number of object instances.
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20. The scope is always ____ by default?
- Singleton
- Prototype
- Session
- Global-session
Answer: A) Singleton
The scope is always singleton by default.
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21. Singleton scope should be used with ____.
- EJB stateless session
- EJB stateful session bean.
Answer: A) EJB stateless session
Singleton scope should be used with EJB stateless session bean.
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22. Prototype scope should be used with ____.
- EJB stateless session
- EJB stateful session bean.
Answer: B) EJB stateful session bean.
Prototype scope should be used with EJB stateful session bean.
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23. What is AOP?
- Aspect object programming
- Aspect-oriented programming
- Artificial-oriented programming
- Artificial object programming
Answer: B) Aspect-oriented programming
AOP stands for Aspect-oriented programming
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24. ____ beans are defined inside the scope of another bean.
- Core
- Outer
- Peripheral
- Inner
Answer: D) Inner
Inner beans are defined inside the scope of another bean.
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25. ____ denotes an action taken by an aspect at a specific join point.
- Interceptor
- Advice
- Pointcut
- Target Object
Answer: B) Advice
Advice denotes an action taken by an aspect at a specific joint point.
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26. Which of the following type of advice executes before and after a joint point?
- Before advice
- After Returning Advice
- After Throwing Advice
- Around Advice
Answer: D) Around Advice
Around Advice is a type of advice that is executed before and after a joint point.
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27. Which of the following type of advice executes if the method exits by throwing an exception?
- Before advice
- After Returning Advice
- After Throwing Advice
- Around Advice
Answer: C) After Throwing Advice
After throwing advice is a type of advice that is executed if the method exits by throwing an exception.
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28. Which of the following type of advice executes after a joint point has been completed properly?
- Before advice
- After Returning Advice
- After Throwing Advice
- Around Advice
Answer: B) After Returning Advice
After Returning Advice executes after a joint point has been completed properly.
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29. How many types of collection configuration element does Spring offers?
- 3
- 4
- 2
- 5
Answer: B) 4
Spring provides the following four types of collection configuration elements:
- <LIST>
- <MAP>
- <SET>
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30. ____ aids in wiring a group of values that are not duplicated?
- <LIST>
- <MAP>
- <SET>
Answer: C) <SET>
<SET> aids in wiring a group of values that are not duplicated.
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31. Which of the following is useful for wiring, such as injecting a list of variables and allowing for duplication?
- <LIST>
- <MAP>
- <SET>
Answer: A) <LIST>
<LIST> is useful for wiring, such as injecting a list of variables and allowing for duplication.
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32. ____ can be employed to inject a collection of name-value pairs with any type of name and value?
- <LIST>
- <MAP>
- <SET>
Answer: B) <MAP>
<MAP> can be employed to inject a collection of name-value pairs with any type of name and value.
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33. How many different ways may Spring-based apps be configured?
- Java-based configuration
- XML-based configuration
- Annotation-based configuration
- All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
Spring-based apps be configured in the following ways:
- Java-based configuration
- XML-based configuration
- Annotation-based configuration
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34. How many autowiring modes are there in Spring?
- 4
- 5
- 2
- 3
Answer: A) 4
There are 4 autowiring modes:
- No
- ByName
- Bytype
- Constructor
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35. What are the limitations of autowiring in spring?
- Simple attributes like as primitives, Strings, and Classes cannot be autowired.
- Autowiring is not as precise as explicit wiring.
- All of the above
Answer: C) All of the above
Following are the disadvantages of autowiring:
- Simple attributes like as primitives, Strings, and Classes cannot be autowired.
- Autowiring is not as precise as explicit wiring.
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36. ____ is a class that accepts incoming requests and routes them to the appropriate resources such as controllers, models, and views.
- DispatcherServlet
- Servlet
- ServletContext
- HandlerApapter
Answer: A) DispatcherServlet
DispatcherServlet is a class that accepts incoming requests and routes them to the appropriate resources such as controllers, models, and views.
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37. With Spring Web MVC, which class serves as the front controller?
- DispatcherServlet
- Servlet
- ServletContext
- HandlerApapter
Answer: A) DispatcherServlet
The DispatcherServlet class serves as the front controller in Spring Web MVC.
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38. Which annotation designates a class as the controller?
- @cont
- @controller
- @_controller
- @__controller
Answer: B) @controller
The @Controller annotation designates a class as the controller.
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39. A ____ contains an application's business logic.
- Model
- View
- Controller
Answer: C) Controller
A controller contains an application's business logic.
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40. We can construct only one controller in Spring MVC at the same time?
- True
- False
Answer: B) False
We can construct many controllers in Spring MVC at the same time.
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41. In the controller class, ____ is used to read the HTML form data that the user has given.
- HttpServletRequest
- Model
- HttpModel
Answer: A) HttpServletRequest
HttpServletRequest is used to read the HTML form data that the user has given.
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42. What are the responsibilities of JdbcTemplate class?
- Takes care of resource generation
- We can carry out all database operations.
- Handles the exception and displays useful error messages
- All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
Following are the responsibilities of Jdbctemplate class:
- Takes care of resource generation
- We can carry out all database operations.
- Handles the exception and displays useful error messages
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43. Using the ____ function of the JdbcTemplate class, we can simply get records from the database.
- Fetch()
- Query()
- Get()
Answer: B) Query()
Using the query() function of the JdbcTemplate class, we can simply get records from the database.
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44. ____ is used to increase modularity by cross-cutting concerns.
- Jdbctemplate class
Answer: D) AOP
AOP is used to increase modularity by cross-cutting concerns.
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45. The ResultSetExtractor is used ____.
- To get records from a database
- To set records of a database
- None
Answer: A) To get records from a database
The ResultSetExtractor is used to get records from a database.
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46. Which of the following helps us to fetch the record from the database?
- ResultSetExtractor
- RowMapper
- Both
- None
Answer: C) Both
ResultSetExtractor, and RowMapper both are used to fetch the record from the database.
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47. Which of the following annotation is used to associate a URL with a whole class or a specific handler function?
- @RequestMapping
- @RequestMap
- @RequestMapper
- @Mapper
Answer: A) @RequestMapping
The @RequestMapping annotation is used to associate a URL with a whole class or a specific handler function.
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48. Among Local and Global transactions, which is easier to implement?
- Local Transactions
- Global transactions
Answer: A) Local Transactions
Local transactions are easier to implement.
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49. Which transaction management is required in a distributed computing environment?
- Local Transactions
- Global transactions
Answer: B) Global transactions
Global transaction management is required in a distributed computing environment, whereas Local transaction management is required in a centralized computing environment.
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50. How many types of transaction management does spring support?
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 2
Answer: D) 2
Spring supports two types of transaction management:
- Programmatic transaction management
- Declarative transaction management
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51. Which type of transaction management is preferred?
- Programmatic transaction management
- Declarative transaction management
Answer: B) Declarative transaction management
Declarative transaction management is preferred over programmatic transaction management.
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52. Which type of transaction management enables you to handle transactions using programming in your source code?
- Programmatic transaction management
- Declarative transaction management
Answer: A) Programmatic transaction management
The programmatic transaction management solution enables you to handle transactions using programming in your source code.
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53. Which type of transaction management allows you to handle transactions using configuration rather than hard-coding in your source code?
- Programmatic transaction management
- Declarative transaction management
Answer: B) Declarative transaction management
The declarative transaction management solution allows you to handle transactions using configuration rather than hard-coding in your source code.
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54. What is DAO?
- Data-accurate object
- Data access oriented
- Data access object
Answer: C) Data access object
DAO stands for Data Access Object.
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55. The key unit of modularity in OOP is the ____?
- Module
- Class
- Aspect
- Objects
Answer: B) Class
The key unit of modularity in OOP is the class.
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56. The key unit of modularity in AOP is the ____?
- Module
- Class
- Aspect
- Objects
Answer: C) Aspect
The key unit of modularity in AOP is the Aspect.
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57. Which Annotation indicates that a particular parameter, return value, or field is null?
- @null
- @nullable
- @nullify
Answer: B) @nullable
@nullable annotation indicates that a particular parameter, return value, or field is null.
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58. ____ is the technique of connecting aspects with other types of applications.
- Weaving
- Interceptor
- Jointpoint
Answer: A) Weaving
Weaving is the technique of connecting aspects with other types of applications.
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59. ____ is a class-like feature that just includes one piece of advice.
- Weaving
- Interceptor
- Jointpoint
Answer: B) Interceptor
Interceptor is a class-like feature that just includes one piece of advice.
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60. SpEL stands for ____.
- Spring expression language
- Spring ejection language
- Spring ejection Locator
Answer: A) Spring expression language
SpEL stands for Spring expression language.
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