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Anuj Singh

Technical Content Writer

Anuj Singh
Name Anuj Singh
Course Integrated Bachelor of Tech. Masters of Tech. in Biochemical Engineering
College / University School of Biochemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU Varanasi
Technical skills Languages: C, C++



  1. Python program to find the power of a number using loop
  2. Python program to extract and print digits in reverse order of a number
  3. Python program for plotting in same and different graph
  4. Histogram using Pylab in Python
  5. Python program for swapping the value of two integers without third variable
  6. Python program for swapping the value of two integers
  7. Python program to find the matched characters in a given string
  8. Python program for Tower of Hanoi
  9. Python program to find standard deviation
  10. Python program to find the variance
  11. Python program Tower of Hanoi (modified)
  12. Python program to convert Centimeter to Inches
  13. Python program to convert meters into yards
  14. Python program to convert yards into meters
  15. Python program to capitalize the character without using a function
  16. Python program to lowercase the character without using a function
  17. Python program for rolling the dice (2-player dice game)
  18. Python program for single dice simulation
  19. Python program for single biased dice simulation
  20. Python program to design a dice throw function
  21. Python program for biased coin flipping simulation
  22. Python program to design a biased dice throw function
  23. Python program to design a biased coin flip function
  24. Python program for double biased dice simulation
  25. Python program to design a coin flip function
  26. Python program for double dice (one biased one normal) simulation
  27. Python program to find greatest integer using floor() method
  28. Python program to find the maximum EVEN number
  29. Python program to find the maximum ODD number
  30. Convert an integer value to the string using str() function in Python
  31. Convert a float value to the string using str() function in Python
  32. Python program to find the solution of a special sum series
  33. Python program to find the power of a number using recursion
  34. Python program to find the maximum multiple from given N numbers
  35. Python program to find the least multiple from given N numbers
  36. Snakes and ladder (Single player) in Python
  37. Student height record program for a school in Python
  38. Building Restaurant Menu using Class in Python
  39. Optimization using Greedy Algorithm in Python
  40. Program for students marks list using class in Python
  41. Defining a Vector
  42. Adding two vectors
  43. Scalar Multiplication of Vector
  44. Scalar Multiplication Property 1
  45. Adding Dimension to the Vector
  46. Calling ith dimensional Component of Vector
  47. Vector Magnitude using Function
  48. Program to build flashcard using class in Python
  49. Greedy algorithm for a knapsack problem with the example of Robbery in Python
  50. Creating a Matrix using Columns
  51. Creating a Matrix using Rows
  52. Calling Column of a Matrix
  53. Calling Row of a Matrix
  54. Matrix Addition
  55. Defining Matrix using Numpy
  56. Defining Vector using Numpy
  57. Row numbers in a Matrix
  58. Scalar Multiplication of Matrix
  59. Shape of Matrix
  60. (i,j) Element from a Matrix
  61. Calling Column of a Matrix using Function
  62. Calling Row of a Matrix using Function
  63. Checking Square Matrix
  64. Dot Product of Vectors
  65. Scalar Multiplication of Vector using NumPy
  66. Vector with User Defined Length
  67. numpy.matmul( ) for Matrix Multiplication
  68. numpy.random.random( ) function with no input parameter
  69. randomisation_matrix() Function to generate Random Matrix
  70. randomisation() Function to generate Random Vector
  71. Printing sin value of vector/matrix elements using numpy.sin()
  72. Printing hyperbolic tangent value of vector/matrix elements using numpy.tanh()
  73. Representation of a Linear Equation
  74. Introduction to Simplest Neural Network
  75. Representation of a System of Linear Equation
  76. Printing Cosine value of vector/matrix (element wise operation)
  77. Printing logarithmic value of vector/matrix (element wise operation)
  78. Printing exponential value of vector/matrix elements using numpy.exp()
  79. Printing the power of vector/matrix elements using pow(x,a)
  80. Print the identity matrix using numpy.eye() function
  81. Scalar Multiplication Property 2
  82. Identity Matrix Property (I^k = I)
  83. Transpose Matrix
  84. Identity Matrix Transpose Property
  85. Symmetric Matrices
  86. Identity Matrix Property (AI = A)
  87. Ones matrix using numpy.ones()
  88. Zeros Matrix using numpy.zeros()
  89. Determinant of a Matrix
  90. Determinant of Identity Matrix
  91. Determinant of a Zeros and Ones matrices
  92. Determinant of a non-square matrix
  93. Inverse of a Matrix
  94. Inverse of an Identity Matrix
  95. Uni - Layer Neural Network
  96. Maximum value from a Matrix
  97. Product of a Matrix and its Inverse Property
  98. Minimum value from a Matrix
  99. Mean value from a Matrix
  100. Product of a Matrix and its Transpose Property
  101. Hinge Loss for Single Point
  102. Function for Hinge Loss for Single Point
  103. Comparing Maximum from Matrices
  104. Comparing Minimum from Matrices
  105. Outer Product of Vectors
  106. Norm of the Vector
  107. Function for Hinge Loss for Multiple Points
  108. Outer Product Properties
  109. Creating symmetric Matrices
  110. Sum of Symmetric Matrices
  111. Determinant of a Transpose Matrix
  112. Binomial Process
  113. Cosine Similarity between two vectors
  114. Euclidean Distance Example
  115. Python | Pyplot in Matplotlib
  116. Perceptron algorithm and its implementation in Python
  117. A Linear Function Vector
  118. Random Integer Vector
  119. Python | Application to School CPI Records (Linear Algebra)
  120. Python | Dot Plot
  121. Python | Scatter Plot
  122. Python | Types of Dot in Dot Plot
  123. Python | Bar Graph
  124. Python | Grid to the plot
  125. Python | Multiple plots in one Figure
  126. Python | Constant Matrix
  127. Python | Binomial Experiment Simulation
  128. Python | Range of a Matrix
  129. Python | One Hidden Layer Simplest Neural Network
  130. Python | Adding legend to a Plot
  131. Python | Antialiasing in Plotting
  132. Python | Categorical Plotting
  133. Python | Dot-Line Plotting
  134. Python | Controlling the Line Width
  135. Python | Figure Size of Plot
  136. Python | Horizontal Bar Graph
  137. Python | Horizontal Subplot
  138. Python | Matrix Subplot
  139. Python | Adding Text to the Plot
  140. Python | Error Bar in Bar Graph
  141. Python | Grouped Bar Chart
  142. Python | Legend Locations
  143. Python | Plotting Coherence
  144. Python | Plotting Trigonometric Functions
  145. Python | Pyplot Labelling
  146. Python | Scatter Symbol
  147. Python | Stack Plot
  148. Python | Vertical Subplot
  149. Python | X-axis Scale Limit
  150. Python | Masked Scatter Plot
  151. Python | Histogram Plotting
  152. Python | Error-Bar in Plotting
  153. Python | Adding mu in Plot Label
  154. Python | Diagonal of a Matrix
  155. Python | Lower Triangle of a Matrix
  156. Python | Rank of a Matrix
  157. Python | Sign and Natural Logarithm of Determinant of a Matrix
  158. Python | Trace of a Matrix
  159. Python | Upper Triangle of a Matrix
  160. Python | Vandermonde Matrix
  161. Python | Adding Omega in Plot Label
  162. Python | Adding Pi in Plot Label
  163. Python | Adding Sigma in Plot Label
  164. Python | Adding Theta in Plot Label
  165. Python | Bar-Line Hybrid Plot
  166. Python | Explode in Pie Plot
  167. Python | Pie Chart
  168. Python | Rotating Text in Plots
  169. Python | Separating Each Slice in Pie Plot
  170. Python | Step Histogram Plot
  171. Python | Text Box Styles in Matplotlib
  172. Python | Watermark in Figure using Class
  173. Python | Y-axis Scale Limit
  174. Python | Dual Histogram Plot
  175. Python | Adding Lowercase/Uppercase Lambda in Plot Label
  176. Python | Adding Lower/Uppercase Delta in Plot Label
  177. Python | Arrow in Plotting
  178. Python | Custom Bin Size in Histogram Plotting
  179. Python | Legend Shadow
  180. Plot 2-D Histogram in Python using Matplotlib
  181. Adding a Horizontal Line in Python Plot
  182. Python | Angle Spectrum using Matplotlib
  183. Right and Left Handed Arrows in Python Plot
  184. Python | Plot the power spectral density using Matplotlib
  185. Python | Horizontal Hatch Spanning Plot
  186. Closing a Figure Window in Matplotlib (matplotlib.pyplot.close)
  187. Bold Text Label in Python Plot
  188. Remove the axis lines from the Python plot
  189. Horizontal Span in Python Plot
  190. Python | Adding Lowercase/Uppercase Gamma in Plot Label
  191. Python | Adding rho in Plot Label
  192. Python | Autocorrelation Plot using Matplotlib
  193. Python | Comparing Categorical Plotting Methods
  194. Python | Filling the area between two lines in plot using matplotlib
  195. Adding Vertical Line in a Python Plot
  196. Adding vertical/horizontal lines with different line styles in a Python plot
  197. Cross Spectral Density in Python using Matplotlib
  198. Python | Different Head Types using Overhang Command in Matplotlib
  199. Python | Drawing Chemical Reaction using Arrow (Matplotlib Arrow Example)
  200. Python | Equal Axis Scale Ratio in Plotting
  201. Python | Hatching Head of the Arrow
  202. Python | Inverting Axis in Python Matplotlib
  203. Python | Log Scale in Matplotlib
  204. Python | Marking Regions across Horizontal Axis in Plot
  205. Python | Pie Chart with Shadow
  206. Python | Plotting in Plane Figure
  207. Python | Plotting Matrix using Color-Maps
  208. Python | Polar Plot in Python using Matplotlib
  209. Python | Title Rotation in Matplotlib
  210. Python | Step Line Plot
  211. Python | Sup-Title in Figure using Matplotlib
  212. Python | Step Line Plot vs Bar Plot
  213. Python | Themeriver Stackplot using Matplotlib
  214. Python | Title Locations in Matplotlib
  215. Python | Tri-Plot using Matplotlib
  216. Python | Triangle Law of Vector Addition (Matplotlib Arrow Example)
  217. Python | Without Fill Head Arrow in Plots
  218. Python | Bar Plot vs Pie Plot
  219. Python | Clockwise and Anticlockwise Pie Chart
  220. Python | Colorbar Label
  221. Python | Color Bar using Matplotlib
  222. Python | Coloring Each Plot in Bar Plot
  223. Python | Drawing Diagonal Matrix using Matplotlib
  224. Python | Eventplot using Matplotlib
  225. Python | Fill Plot Example
  226. Python | Grayscale or Monochrome Plotting
  227. Python | matplotlib.pyplot.cool() for Cool Color Map
  228. Python | Plotting using Dictionary
  229. Python | Adding Epsilon in Plot Label
  230. Python | Adding mho in Plot Label
  231. Python | Adding Psi in Plot Label
  232. Python | Barbs Plot
  233. Python | Drawing Symmetric Matrix Colormap Plot using Matplotlib
  234. Python | Dual Headed Arrow in Plots
  235. Python | Histogram vs Box Plot using Matplotlib
  236. Python | Horizontal Box Plot
  237. Python | Horizontal Grid in Box Plot
  238. Horizontal Histogram in Python using Matplotlib
  239. Python | Hybrid Line Plot with Heatmap
  240. Multiple Box Plot in Python using Matplotlib
  241. Notched Box Plot in Python using Matplotlib
  242. Python | Overlapping Scatter Plot Example
  243. Python | Background Color of the Plot
  244. Bar Distribution Plot in Python using Matplotlib
  245. Python | Bar Distribution Plot vs Pie Plot
  246. Broken Bar Graph in Python using Matplotlib
  247. Chess Board and Fancy Manipulation in Python using Matplotlib
  248. Horizontal Broken Bar Graph in Python using Matplotlib
  249. Python | Enable / Disable Frame on Figure
  250. Summer Colormap for Plotting figure in Python
  251. Python | Symmetric Log Scale for Y axis in Matplotlib
  252. Python | Symmetric Log Scale Example in Matplotlib
  253. Square Scatter Plot in Python using Matplotlib
  254. Python | Text Box in Plane Figure
  255. Python | Streamline Plot
  256. Python | Custom Axis Label in Matplotlib
  257. Python | Cross(X) Scatter Marker in Matplotlib
  258. Python | Hist-Scatter Hybrid Plot
  259. Python | Y Shape Scatter Marker
  260. Python | Plus (+) Scatter Marker
  261. Python | Splicing the line into smaller chunks
  262. Python | Object Oriented Style Plotting in Matplotlib
  263. Python | Error bar Sampling using Object Oriented Style in matplotlib
  264. Python | Colored Barbs Plot
  265. Python | Contour Plot
  266. Python | Winter Colormap for Plotting Figure
  267. Python | Bar Code
  268. Python | Gradient Bar Graph
  269. Python | Fraction in Matplotlib
  270. Python | Logit Scale in Plotting
  271. Python | Creative Drawing Example in Matplotlib
  272. Python | Available Unfilled Markers in Matplotlib
  273. Python | Filled Contour Plot with Gradient
  274. Python | Creative Wave Design in Matplotlib
  275. Python | Linear vs Log vs Logit Scale
  276. Python | Simple Rangoli Example with Matplotlib
  277. Python | Marker Fill Styles in Matplotlib
  278. Python | Markers Edge Styles in Matplotlib
  279. Python | Vertical Barcode
  280. Python | Varying Density of Bar Code
  281. Python | Cap Styles for Lines
  282. Python | Hex Color Code in Matplotlib
  283. Python | Filling the area between two curves
  284. Python | Sine Curve Filling Example
  285. Python | Adding bigoplus as Text
  286. Python | Adding Nabla to Plot Label
  287. Python | Adding Phi to Plot Label
  288. Bigcap Symbol in Python Plotting
  289. Bigcup Symbol in Python Plotting
  290. Bigodot Symbol in Python Plotting
  291. Bigotimes Symbol in Python Plotting
  292. Biguplus Symbol in Python Plotting
  293. Python | Hatching the area between two curves
  294. Approx Symbol in Python Plotting
  295. Dot-Equal Symbol in Python Plotting
  296. Binary Subset Symbol in Python Plotting
  297. V-Dash Symbol in Python Plotting
  298. Binary Cup Symbol in Python Plotting
  299. Binary Supset Symbol in Python Plotting
  300. Approx-Equal Symbol in Python Plotting


  1. C++ program to find the power of a number using loop
  2. C++ program to extract and print digits in reverse order of a number

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