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Student height record program for a school in Python
Python program to for student height record for a school using Class and Objects.
Submitted by Anuj Singh, on May 05, 2020
A team of 5 people is assigned with a task to record the heights of students in a school and they have decided to make a python program using class to record all the student's height.
In the below program, we try to use class in python to build a Student Height Record program for a school. The Record will contain the student’s name along with its height. This article aims to develop an understanding of the usage of class in the student height record system.
# definig a class student,
# which contain name and height of the student
class Student(object):
def __init__(self, name, height):
self.name = name
self.height = height
def getheight(self):
return self.height
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' : ' + str(self.getheight())
# Defining a function for building a Menu
# which generates list of Food
def HeightRecord(rec, name, height):
rec.append(Student(name, height))
return rec
Record = []
x = 'y'
while x == 'y':
name = input('Enter the name of the student: ')
height = input('Enter the height recorded: ')
Record = HeightRecord(Record, name, height)
x = input('another student? y/n ')
n = 1
for el in Record:
print(n,'. ', el)
n = n + 1
Enter the name of the student: Prerana Jain
Enter the height recorded: 165
another student? y/n y
Enter the name of the student: Monika Sharma
Enter the height recorded: 167
another student? y/n y
Enter the name of the student: Shivang Yadav
Enter the height recorded: 170
another student? y/n y
Enter the name of the student: Radib Kar
Enter the height recorded: 169
another student? y/n n
1 . Prerana Jain : 165
2 . Monika Sharma : 167
3 . Shivang Yadav : 170
4 . Radib Kar : 169
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