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Python program to find the power of a number using loop
Finding power of a number in Python: Here, we are going to learn how to find the power of a number using loop in Python?
By Anuj Singh Last updated : April 09, 2023
Here, we are going to calculate the value of Nth power of a number without using power function.
Power of a number using loop
The idea is using loop. We will be multiplying a number (initially with value 1) by the number input by user (of which we have to find the value of Nth power) for N times. For multiplying it by N times, we need to run our loop N times. Since we know the number of times loop will execute, so we are using for loop.
base: 5, power: 4
Python code to find power of a number using loop
num = int(input("Enter the number of which you have to find power: "))
pw = int(input("Enter the power: "))
kj = 1
for n in range(pw):
kj = kj*num
Enter the number of which you have to find power: 5
Enter the power: 4
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