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Checking Square Matrix | Linear Algebra using Python
Linear Algebra using Python | Checking Square Matrix: Here, we are going to learn how to check square matrix in Python?
Submitted by Anuj Singh, on May 21, 2020
Prerequisite: Linear Algebra | Defining a Matrix
Square Matrices are one of the important Matrices and therefore, we are going to write a python code to check whether the matrix is square or not?
Python code for checking square matrix
# Linear Algebra Learning Sequence
# Checking Square Matrix
import numpy as np
# Use of np.array() to define rows
V1 = np.array([45,78,65,99])
V2 = np.array([68,87,97,48])
V3 = np.array([74,68,77,48])
print("The Row v1: ",V1)
print("The Row v2: ",V2)
print("The Row v3: ",V3)
# Making a Matrix using Vectors
M = np.vstack([V1,V2,V3])
print("\n\n-----Matrix M---\n", M)
[r,c] = M.shape
if r == c:
print("Matrix is square with dim ",r,'x',r )
print("Matrix is not square with dim ",r,'x',c )
V1 = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,5],[3,6,8],[323,623,823]])
V2 = np.array([[965,2413,78],[223,356,500],[312,66,78]])
[r2,c2] = V1.shape
[r3,c3] = V2.shape
print('\n\n----Matrix A----\n',V1)
if r2 == c2:
print("Matrix is square with dim ",r2,'x',r2 )
print("Matrix is not square with dim ",r2,'x',c2 )
print('\n\n----Matrix B----\n',V2)
if r3 == c3:
print("Matrix is square with dim ",r3,'x',r3 )
print("Matrix is not square with dim ",r3,'x',c3 )
The Row v1: [45 78 65 99]
The Row v2: [68 87 97 48]
The Row v3: [74 68 77 48]
-----Matrix M---
[[45 78 65 99]
[68 87 97 48]
[74 68 77 48]]
Matrix is not square with dim 3 x 4
----Matrix A----
[[ 1 2 3]
[ 2 3 5]
[ 3 6 8]
[323 623 823]]
Matrix is not square with dim 4 x 3
----Matrix B----
[[ 965 2413 78]
[ 223 356 500]
[ 312 66 78]]
Matrix is square with dim 3 x 3