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Convert a float value to the string using str() function in Python
An example of str() function in Python: Here, we are going to learn how to convert a given float value to the string using str() function in Python?
Submitted by Anuj Singh, on August 08, 2019
Given a float value and we have to convert the value to the string using str() function.
Python code to convert a float value to the string value
# Python code to convert a float value
# to the string value
# float value
f_value = 1.23456
# converting to the string value
s_value = str(f_value)
# printing the float & string values with their types
print("f_value: ", f_value)
print("type(f_value): ", type(f_value))
print("s_value: ", s_value)
print("type(s_value): ", type(s_value))
# another operation by multiplying the value
print("f_value*4: ", f_value*4)
print("s_value*4: ", s_value*4)
f_value: 1.23456
type(f_value): <class 'float'>
s_value: 1.23456
type(s_value): <class 'str'>
f_value*4: 4.93824
s_value*4: 1.234561.234561.234561.23456
Code explanation:
In the above code f_value is a float variable contains a float value, we are converting f_value to the string by using “str() function” and storing the result in s_value variable. For further verification of the types – we are printing the types of both variables with their values and also printing their 4 times multiplied value.