Creating Symmetric Matrices | Linear Algebra using Python

Linear Algebra using Python | Creating symmetric Matrices: Here, we are going to learn about the creating symmetric matrices and its implementation in Python.
Submitted by Anuj Singh, on June 13, 2020


Problem statement

Here, we will learn how to create a symmetric matrix using a non-symmetric matrix? The following equation shows how a dot product of Matrix A and AT can result in a symmetric matrix.

S = A.AT

Python program creating symmetric matrix

# Linear Algebra Learning Sequence
# Creating a Symmetric Matrix

import numpy as np

M = np.array([[2,3,4], [3,45,8], [34,7,0.8], [21,31,41]])

print('A : ', M)
print('\n\nTranspose of A : ', M.T)

S = np.matmul(M,M.T)

print('\n\nSymmetric Matrix : \n', S)


The output of the above program is:

A :  [[ 2.   3.   4. ]
 [ 3.  45.   8. ]
 [34.   7.   0.8]
 [21.  31.  41. ]]

Transpose of A :  [[ 2.   3.  34.  21. ]
 [ 3.  45.   7.  31. ]
 [ 4.   8.   0.8 41. ]]

Symmetric Matrix : 
 [[  29.    173.     92.2   299.  ]
 [ 173.   2098.    423.4  1786.  ]
 [  92.2   423.4  1205.64  963.8 ]
 [ 299.   1786.    963.8  3083.  ]]

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