Mahima Rao

Technical Content Writer

Mahima Rao

I'm Mahima Rao, doing my B.E in Computer Science from SIRT- Indore. My interests include C, C++, DBMS, Data Structure, Operating System, Oracle, SAP (ERP), Swift, and AI.

I have an experience of more than a year as a technical content writer. I consider myself to be a good problem solver with great communication skills.

My other skills include Playing Guitar and Casio along with classical singing.

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  1. Swift | Print 'Hello World' program
  2. Swift | Program for Addition of two numbers

C & C++

  1. Graphics in C/C++: Introduction and Graphics Modes in Turbo C Compiler
  2. Graphics in C/C++: Using Colors in Text Mode
  3. Graphics in C/C++: Graphics Modes in Turbo C Compiler
  4. Graphics in C/C++: OUTTEXTXY and SETTEXTSTYLE functions with Example
  5. Graphics in C/C++: Draw Circle and Rectangle
  6. Graphics in C/C++: Some More Interesting Functions

Computer Networks

  1. Introduction to Ethernet and types of Ethernet Cables | Ethernet Technology
  2. Types of network topology in Ethernet connection and its Frame | Ethernet Technology
  3. What are hubs, types of hubs and their working?
  4. Introduction to Routing and Viewing routing table
  5. Categories of Dynamic Routing Protocols
  6. Router Components, Boot process and Types of router ports
  7. Introduction to Routers and its protocols | Networking
  8. Static and Dynamic Routing in Networking
  9. Introduction and Working of Switches in Networking
  10. Layer 2 Switching in Networking
  11. Configuring Cisco Switches in Networking
  12. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) in Networking
  13. Introduction to Addressing
  14. What is IPV4 Addressing?
  15. IPV6 Addressing, Header, and Routing Protocols
  16. Types of ICMP Messages and ICMP Message Format

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