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Scalar Multiplication Property 2 | Linear Algebra using Python
Linear Algebra using Python | Scalar Multiplication Property 2: Here, we are going to learn about the scalar multiplication property 2 and its implementation in Python.
Submitted by Anuj Singh, on May 26, 2020
Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning linear equations by using vector spaces and through matrices. In other words, a vector is a matrix in n-dimensional space with only one column. In a scalar product, each component of the vector is multiplied by the same scalar value. As a result, the vector’s length is increased by a scalar value.
For example: Let a vector a = [4, 9, 7], this is a 3 dimensional vector (x,y and z)
So, a scalar product will be given as b = c*a
Where c is a constant scalar value (from the set of all real numbers R). The length vector b is c times the length of vector a. This scalar, multiplication follows a property shown below:
cA + dA = (c + d)A
Where A and B are two vectors. The python code aims to evaluate the right-hand side and left-hand side for proving the scalar property.
Python code for scalar multiplication property 2
# Vectors in Linear Algebra Sequnce
# Scalar Multiplication Property 2
A = [3, 5, -5, 8]
B = [7 , 7 , 7 , 7]
print("Vector A = ", A)
print("Vector B = ", B)
C = int(input("Enter the value of scalar multiplier c: "))
D = int(input("Enter the value of scalar multiplier d: "))
# Defining a function for scalar multiplication
def scalar(C, a):
b = []
for i in range(len(a)):
return b
# Defining a function for addition
def add(a,b):
c = []
for i in range(len(a)):
return c
print("Vector (c + d)A = ", scalar(C+D,A))
An = scalar(C, A)
Bn = scalar(D, A)
print("Vector (cA + dA) = ", add(An,Bn))
print('---Both are same and therefore, the scalar property in vectors satisfies this property---')
Vector A = [3, 5, -5, 8]
Vector B = [7, 7, 7, 7]
Enter the value of scalar multiplier c: 5
Enter the value of scalar multiplier d: 2
Vector (c + d)A = [21, 35, -35, 56]
Vector (cA + dA) = [21, 35, -35, 56]
---Both are same and therefore, the scalar property in vectors satisfies this property---