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Shape of Matrix | Linear Algebra using Python
Linear Algebra using Python | Shape of Matrix: Here, we are going to learn how to find shape of matrix in Python?
Submitted by Anuj Singh, on May 20, 2020
Prerequisite: Linear Algebra | Defining a Matrix
In the python code, we will add two Matrices. We can add two Matrices only and only if both the matrices have the same dimensions. Therefore, knowing the dimensions of the matrices turns out to be one of the major steps in Linear Algebra. The following code shows how an inbuilt function can be used to achieve our goal of the shape of a Matrix.
Python code for fidning Shape of Matrix
# Linear Algebra Learning Sequence
# Shape of Matrix
import numpy as np
#Use of np.array() to define a matrix
V1 = np.array([[1,2,3],[2,3,5],[3,6,8],[323,623,823]])
V2 = np.array([[965,2413,78,44],[223,356,500,44],[312,66,78,44],[42,42,42,44],[44,44,44,44]])
print("--The Matrixa A-- \n",V1)
print("\n--The Matrix B-- \n",V2)
print("\n\n Shape of the matrix A: ", V1.shape)
print(" Shape of the matrix B: ", V2.shape)
--The Matrixa A--
[[ 1 2 3]
[ 2 3 5]
[ 3 6 8]
[323 623 823]]
--The Matrix B--
[[ 965 2413 78 44]
[ 223 356 500 44]
[ 312 66 78 44]
[ 42 42 42 44]
[ 44 44 44 44]]
Shape of the matrix A: (4, 3)
Shape of the matrix B: (5, 4)