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BA Political Science MCQs
Understanding Political Theory MCQs
The study of the concepts and principles that people use to describe, explain, and evaluate political events and institutions.
This section contains the multiple-choice questions and answers on Bachelor of Arts Political Science - Understanding Political Theory. Practice these MCQs to learn and test the Understanding Political Theory.
List of Understanding Political Theory MCQs
1. The term "politics" is derived from?
- Greek word polis
- German word poli
- French word polis
- Sanskrit word pathe
Answer: A) Greek word polis
The term politics is derived from the Greek word "polis" which means "city-states".
2. Who is known as the father of political science?
- Aristotle
- Plato
- Sparta
- Athens
Answer: A) Aristotle
Aristotle is regarded as the father of Political science on account of his far reaching and permanent contribution to the field of politics.
3. Who wrote the book "politics" ?
- Aristotle
- Plato
- Athens
- Corinth
Answer: A) Aristotle
"politics" is a work of political philosophy by Aristotle, a 4th-century BC Greek philosopher.
4. Who wrote this "Man is by nature a Political Animal and he who is by nature or by accident is without state is either above humanity or below it" in his book?
- Machiavelli
- Mary wollstonecraft
- Aristotle
- Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: C) Aristotle
Aristotle wrote, "Man is by nature a Political Animal and he who is by nature or by accident is without state is either above humanity or below it" in his famous book "politics".
5. Who called politics a "master science"?
- Athens
- Aristotle
- Rabindranath tagore
- Ambedkar
Answer: B) Aristotle
Aristotle called Politics a "master science"
6. Who gave the Marxism theory?
- Peter marx
- Karl marx
- Friedrich Engels
- None of the above
Answer: B) Karl marx
Marxism, a body of doctrine developed by Karl Marx and, to a lesser extent, by Friedrich Engels in the mid-19th century.
7. Who gave the concept of class struggle?
- Karl Marx
- Friedrich Engels
- Kautilya
- Cornforth
Answer: A) Karl Marx
Class conflict, also referred to as class struggle and class warfare, is the political tension and economic antagonism that exists in society consequent to socio-economic competition among the social classes or between rich and poor.
8. Who was the father of liberal theory?
- Aristotle
- Kautilya
- Thomas hobbes
- John locke
Answer: C) Thomas hobbes
Thomas Hobbes is known as the father of liberal theory Though his own ideological position is open to debate, his work influenced Locke, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison and many other liberals, leading Strauss to identify Hobbes as the "father of liberalism". Contributing literature: Leviathan, 1651 (Theologico-Political Treatise).
9. "The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes"is called?
- Marxism
- Feminism
- Liberalism
- None of the above
Answer: B) Feminism
The definition of feminism is "the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes".
10. "A political approach that favours free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending" is called?
- Liberalism
- Neoliberalism
- Feminism
- Alienation theory
Answer: B) Neoliberalism
Neoliberalism is a model of free market capitalism that favors greatly reduced government spending, deregulation, globalization, free trade, and privatization.