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Secularism – Class 11 Political Science MCQs

The belief that religion should not influence or be involved in the organization of society, education, government, etc.

This section contains the multiple-choice questions and answers on Class 11 Political Science - Secularism. Practice these MCQs to learn and test the skills of Secularism.

List of Class 11 Political Science Secularism Multiple-Choice Questions with Answers

1. Which amendment of the Indian constitution makes India a secular state?

  1. 42nd
  2. 44th
  3. 52nd
  4. 12th

Answer: A) 42nd


The preamble to the constitution stated that India is a secular nation with the 42nd amendment.

2. The 42nd amendment was enacted in which year?

  1. 1949
  2. 1968
  3. 1979
  4. 1976

Answer: D) 1976


The 42nd amendment was enacted in 1976.

3. Who was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk?

  1. Turkish field marshal
  2. Philosopher
  3. British writer
  4. Turkish philosopher

Answer: A) Turkish field marshal


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a Turkish field marshal.

4. Who carried out a policy of Turkification?

  1. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  2. Azmel
  3. Autarky
  4. Gamel

Answer: A) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk carried out a policy of Turkification, trying to create a homogeneous and unified nation.

5. The Fez, a traditional cap worn by Muslims, was banned by the?

  1. Gamel law
  2. Hat Law
  3. Flizehr
  4. Fezing law

Answer: B) Hat Law


The fez, a traditional cap worn by Muslims, was banned by the hat law. Western clothing was encouraged for men and women.

6. What replaced the Gregorian calendar?

  1. The Traditional Turkish calendar
  2. The European calendar
  3. The Julian Calendar
  4. Euro Peis

Answer: C) The Julian Calendar


The western (Gregorian) calendar was replaced by The Julian Calendar.

7. State supported religious reforms are allowed in ____.

  1. Indian secularism
  2. Western secularism
  3. Turkish secularism
  4. Europhic idea

Answer: B) Western secularism


State supported religious reforms are allowed in western secularism.

8. The word "Dharma" is derived from?

  1. Sanskrit
  2. French
  3. Hindi
  4. Punjabi

Answer: A) Sanskrit


The word "Dharma" is derived from the Sanskrit word to refer to adopt, to sustain, to support, and the principles of right.

9. State has no religion at its own defines?

  1. Multiculturalism
  2. Secularism
  3. Separatism
  4. Democracy

Answer: B) Secularism


A secular state has no 'religion' of its own.

10. Which article declares untouchability a punishable offence under law?

  1. Article 16
  2. Article 17
  3. Article 17 B
  4. Article 45

Answer: B) Article 17


Article 17 declares untouchability a punishable offense under the law.


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