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Modern Political Philosophy MCQs
The idea that government legitimacy depends on some sort of actual or hypothetical consent is a "modern" idea, individual rights. This new idea of consent-based legitimacy was part of a new conception of individuals as bearers of rights-rights even their rulers were morally bound to respect.
This section contains the multiple-choice questions and answers on Bachelor of Arts Political Science - Modern Political Philosophy. Practice these MCQs to learn and test the Modern Political Philosophy.
List of Modern Political Philosophy MCQs
1. Who said "True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing"?
- Socrates
- Aristotle
- Homer
- Plato
Answer: A) Socrates
Socrates said this True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.
2. According to Socrates, the soul is?
- Infinitely large
- Inherently virtuous
- Corruptible
- Immortal
Answer: D) Immortal
Socrates believed the soul is immortal.He also argued that death is not the end of existence. It is merely separation of the soul from the body. Plato believed the soul was eternal.
3. Who was the founder of Modern philosophy?
- René Descartes
- Aristotle
- Plato
- None of these
Answer: A) René Descartes
René Descartes: Descartes is often called “the father of modern philosophy”, and understandably so. Many of the metaphysical and epistemological questions that have come to dominate philosophy since the early twentieth century are expressed, quite beautifully and some for the first time, in his works.
4. "Virtue is sufficient for happiness" is said by?
- Plato
- Socrates
- Xenophon
- Aristotle
Answer: D) Aristotle
Aristotle's virtue ethical theory famously lays out two central concepts, virtue and happiness.
5. Plato is the author of:?
- Republic
- Social contract
- History of political thought
- None of these
Answer: A) Republic
The republic was written by Plato.
6. Who said this "Political Science begins and ends with the state"?
- Aristotle
- Professor garner
- Paul janet
- None of these
Answer: B) Professor garner
Professor garner said "Political Science begins and ends with the state".
7. Who is the author of the book "Statesman"?
- Aristotle
- Machiavelli
- Plato
- None of these
Answer: C) Plato
Plato was the author of the book "statesman".
8. Who is the father of political science?
- Plato
- Machiavelli
- Aristotle
- Karl marx
Answer: C) Aristotle
Aristotle wrote many books on subjects ranging from Greek literature to Zoology. But his most famous work is called Politics from which modern Political Science has grown. Thus he is called the father of Political Science.
9. According to Aristotle the end of State should be?
- Logical
- Legal
- Ethical
- None of these
Answer: C) Ethical
According to Aristotle the end of State should be ethical.
10. Plato’s system of communism is meant only for?
- Soldiers and workers
- Philosophers and soldiers
- Philosophers, soldiers and workers
- Philosophers and workers
Answer: B) Philosophers and soldiers
Philosophers and soldiers