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Discrete Mathematics | Minimum Spanning Tree MCQs

Discrete Mathematics | Minimum Spanning Tree MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on Minimum Spanning Tree in Discrete Mathematics.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on October 23, 2022

1. If T is a tree and includes all the vertices of G, then T is a ____ tree of G?

  1. Spanning
  2. Minimum Spanning
  3. Maximum Spanning
  4. Average Spanning

Answer: A) Spanning


If T is a tree and includes all the vertices of G, then T is a spanning tree of G.

2. In a weighted graph G, each edge is assigned a nonnegative number called the ____ and all spanning trees T of G are assigned a total weight by adding the ____?

  1. Edge Height
  2. Edge Weight
  3. Edge Length
  4. Edge Width

Answer: B) Edge Weight


In a weighted graph G, each edge is assigned a nonnegative number called the edge weight, and all spanning trees T of G are assigned a total weight by adding the edge weights.

3. In G, the minimum spanning tree is the tree with the ____ total weight?

  1. Largest
  2. Medium
  3. Smallest
  4. Average

Answer: C) Smallest


In G, the minimum spanning tree is the tree with the smallest total weight.

4. A connected weighted graph G is analyzed using ____ algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree T?

  1. Kuskal
  2. Kruskal
  3. Krush
  4. Kaiskhal

Answer: B) Kruskal


A connected weighted graph G is analyzed using Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree T.

5. Here are the steps performed in Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree?

  1. We want to find the minimum spanning tree T of a connected weighted graph G with n vertices.
  2. In T, add the edges of each graph G that does not form a cycle until n-1 edges are added.
  3. The edges of the graph G should be ordered in increasing weight order.
  4. Include an edge in T when it is initialized with all vertices.

What is the correct order -

  1. i > ii > iii > iv
  2. i > iii > ii > iv
  3. i > iv > iii > ii
  4. i > iii > iv > ii

Answer: D) i > iii > iv > ii


The correct order of steps performed in Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree is -

  1. We want to find the minimum spanning tree T of a connected weighted graph G with n vertices.
  2. The edges of the graph G should be ordered in increasing weight order.
  3. Include an edge in T when it is initialized with all vertices.
  4. In T, add the edges of each graph G that does not form a cycle until n-1 edges are added.


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