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Discrete Mathematics | Minimum Spanning Tree MCQs
Discrete Mathematics | Minimum Spanning Tree MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on Minimum Spanning Tree in Discrete Mathematics.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on October 23, 2022
1. If T is a tree and includes all the vertices of G, then T is a ____ tree of G?
- Spanning
- Minimum Spanning
- Maximum Spanning
- Average Spanning
Answer: A) Spanning
If T is a tree and includes all the vertices of G, then T is a spanning tree of G.
2. In a weighted graph G, each edge is assigned a nonnegative number called the ____ and all spanning trees T of G are assigned a total weight by adding the ____?
- Edge Height
- Edge Weight
- Edge Length
- Edge Width
Answer: B) Edge Weight
In a weighted graph G, each edge is assigned a nonnegative number called the edge weight, and all spanning trees T of G are assigned a total weight by adding the edge weights.
3. In G, the minimum spanning tree is the tree with the ____ total weight?
- Largest
- Medium
- Smallest
- Average
Answer: C) Smallest
In G, the minimum spanning tree is the tree with the smallest total weight.
4. A connected weighted graph G is analyzed using ____ algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree T?
- Kuskal
- Kruskal
- Krush
- Kaiskhal
Answer: B) Kruskal
A connected weighted graph G is analyzed using Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree T.
5. Here are the steps performed in Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree?
- We want to find the minimum spanning tree T of a connected weighted graph G with n vertices.
- In T, add the edges of each graph G that does not form a cycle until n-1 edges are added.
- The edges of the graph G should be ordered in increasing weight order.
- Include an edge in T when it is initialized with all vertices.
What is the correct order -
- i > ii > iii > iv
- i > iii > ii > iv
- i > iv > iii > ii
- i > iii > iv > ii
Answer: D) i > iii > iv > ii
The correct order of steps performed in Kruskal's algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree is -
- We want to find the minimum spanning tree T of a connected weighted graph G with n vertices.
- The edges of the graph G should be ordered in increasing weight order.
- Include an edge in T when it is initialized with all vertices.
- In T, add the edges of each graph G that does not form a cycle until n-1 edges are added.