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C program to convert String into Hexadecimal
In this program we will read a String and convert the string into Hexadecimal String. We will convert each character of the string in it’s equivalent hexadecimal value and insert the converted value in a string and finally print the Hexadecimal String.
Converting String into Hexadecimal String using C program
/*C program to convert String into Hexadecimal.*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
unsigned char str[100], strH[200];
int i, j;
printf("Enter string: ");
scanf("%[^\n]s", str);
printf("\nString is: %s\n", str);
/*set strH with nulls*/
memset(strH, 0, sizeof(strH));
/*converting str character into Hex and adding into strH*/
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < strlen(str); i++, j += 2) {
sprintf((char*)strH + j, "%02X", str[i]);
strH[j] = '\0'; /*adding NULL in the end*/
printf("Hexadecimal converted string is: \n");
printf("%s\n", strH);
return 0;
Enter string: Hello world, This is my first program.
String is: Hello world, This is my first program.
Hexadecimal converted string is:
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