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C - Command Line Arguments Examples
In C language, the command-line arguments are used to provide the values from the command line (command shell) to the program.
What are Command Line Arguments in C?
The Command-line arguments are handled by the main() function along with two arguments that are argv and argc. The argv is an array of strings that receive the argument values and argc receives the argument counter (number of arguments).
Command Line Arguments Examples
This section contains solved program on Command Line Arguments in C programming language with output and explanation.
List of Command Line Arguments programs in C
- C program to print all arguments given through command line.
Learn: How to get and print the values through the command line using the concept of Command Line Arguments in C programming language?
- C program to find sum of two numbers using command line arguments.
Learn: How to find the sum of two integer numbers using command line arguments? Here, values will be given through the command line.
- C program to find the sum of N integer numbers using command line arguments.
Learn: How to find the sum of N integer numbers using command line arguments? Here, values will be given through the command line.
- C program to calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication using command line arguments.
Learn: How to pass numbers and operators to perform the basic arithmetic operations using command line arguments in C programming language.
- C program to print program's name.
Here, we are going to learn how can we print the program’s name in C language? Here, is a program that will print the name of its executable file name (program name).
- C program to demonstrate the getopt() function
Here, we will demonstrate getopt() function. The getopt() function is used to extract command line arguments.