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C program to eliminate/remove first character of each word from a string
In this program, we will learn how to eliminate/remove first character of each word in a string? Here, we will read a string and eliminate its first character of each word, then print new string (after elimination of first character of each words).
Logic to implement
- Eliminate first character of the string (first character of first word) by shifting other character to the left.
- Eliminate the first character of other word (by checking whether there is an index has space and index+1 (next to index where space found) non space and shift other characters to the left.
- Run this process until NULL not found in the parent loop.
Program to eliminate first character of each word of a string in C
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100
int main() {
char text[MAX] = {0};
int loop, j;
printf("Please input string: ");
scanf("%[^\n]s", text); // read string with spaces
printf("Input string is...\n");
printf("%s\n", text);
for (loop = 0; text[loop] != '\0'; loop++) {
if (loop == 0 || (text[loop] == ' ' && text[loop + 1] != ' ')) {
// shift next characters to the left
for (j = ((loop == 0) ? loop : loop + 1); text[j] != '\0'; j++)
text[j] = text[j + 1];
"Value of \'text\' after eliminating first character of each word...\n");
printf("%s\n", text);
return 0;
Please input string: Hello friends, how are you?
Input string is...
Hello friends, how are you?
Value of 'text' after eliminating first character of each word...
ello riends, ow re ou?
C String Programs »