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C program to read age of 15 person and count total Baby age, School age and Adult age
This program is asked through comment
wap to read an age of 15 person & find out how many of them fall under :
a) Still a baby- age 0 to 5
b) Attending school - age 6 to 17
c) Adult life-age 18 & over
[using while loop]
This program will read age of 15 person one by one (using while loop) and count total number of Baby Age, School attending person age and Adult age person.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int age;
int cnt_baby = 0, cnt_school = 0, cnt_adult = 0;
int count = 0;
while (count < 15) {
printf("Enter age of person [%d]: ", count + 1);
scanf("%d", & age);
if (age >= 0 && age <= 5)
else if (age >= 6 && age <= 17)
//increase counter
printf("Baby age: %d\n", cnt_baby);
printf("School age: %d\n", cnt_school);
printf("Adult age: %d\n", cnt_adult);
return 0;
Enter age of person [1]: 0
Enter age of person [2]: 1
Enter age of person [3]: 2
Enter age of person [4]: 3
Enter age of person [5]: 44
Enter age of person [6]: 55
Enter age of person [7]: 66
Enter age of person [8]: 44
Enter age of person [9]: 12
Enter age of person [10]: 13
Enter age of person [11]: 14
Enter age of person [12]: 55
Enter age of person [13]: 66
Enter age of person [14]: 18
Enter age of person [15]: 19
Baby age: 4
School age: 3
Adult age: 8
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