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C program to check whether a given number is EVEN or ODD
C program for EVEN or ODD: Here, we are reading an integer number from the user and checking whether it is EVEN or ODD.
The numbers which are divisible by 2 are EVEN numbers and which are not divisible by 0 are not as ODD numbers.
Problem statement
Given an integer number and we have to check it is EVEN or ODD using C program.
Checking EVEN or ODD in C
To check whether given number is EVEN or ODD, we are checking modulus by dividing number by 2, if the modulus is 0, then it will be completely divisible by 2 hence number will be EVEN or its will be ODD.
Example 1:
Enter number: 12
12 is an EVEN number.
Example 2:
Enter number: 19
19 is an ODD number.
C program to check EVEN or ODD
/* c program to check whether number is even or odd*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter an integer number: ");
/*If number is divisible by 2 then number
is EVEN otherwise number is ODD*/
printf("%d is an EVEN number.",num);
printf("%d is an ODD number.",num);
return 0;
First Run:
Enter an integer number: 123
123 is an ODD number.
Second Run:
Enter an integer number: 110
110 an EVEN number.
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