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C program to print EVEN numbers from 1 to N using while loop
This is an example of while loop - In this C program, we are going to learn how can we print all EVEN numbers from given range (1 to N) using while loop?
Submitted by Manju Tomar, on March 09, 2018
Given a range (value of N) and we have to print all EVEN numbers from 1 to N using while loop.
Enter value of N: 10
Even Numbers from 1 to 10:
2 4 6 8 10
- There are two variables declared in the program 1) number as a loop counter and 2) n to store the limit.
- Reading value of n by the user.
- Initialising loop counter (number) by 1 as initial value number =1
- Using while loop by checking the condition number<=n (value of number is less than or equal to n) - this will execute the loop until the value of number is less than or equal to n.
- Then, within the loop, we are checking the condition to check whether number is EVEN or not, the condition is (number%2==0) - it returns true if number is divisible by 2.
Program to print EVEN numbers from 1 to N using while loop
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
//loop counter declaration
int number;
//variable to store limit /N
int n;
//assign initial value
//from where we want to print the numbers
//input value of N
printf("Enter the value of N: ");
//print statement
printf("Even Numbers from 1 to %d:\n",n);
//while loop, that will print numbers
//Here is the condition to check EVEN number
printf("%d ",number);
// increasing loop counter by 1
return 0;
Enter the value of N: 10
Even Numbers from 1 to 10:
2 4 6 8 10
Enter the value of N: 100
Even Numbers from 1 to 100:
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86
88 90 92 94 96 98 100
Another way to print EVEN numbers from 1 to N
Since, we know that EVEN numbers starts from 2 and EVEN numbers are those numbers which are divisible by 2. So, we can run a loop from 2 to N by increasing the value of loop counter by 2.
Consider the given code...
//initialising the number by 2
//print statement
printf("Even Numbers from 1 to %d:\n",n);
//while loop, that will print numbers
//print the number
printf("%d ",number);
//increase the value of number by 2
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