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User-defined Functions C Programs (Set 2)
This section contains solved programs based on user define functions with output and explanation - Here, we have solved programs to solve the problems by creating our own functions.
List of User-defined functions C programs
- C - User define function example with no argument and no return type
User define function Example with No argument and No return type - In this C program, we are defining a function that will not have any argument and return type.
- C - User define function example with arguments and no return type
User define function example with arguments and no return type - In this C program, we are defining a function that will not return any value but have arguments.
- C program to pass a one dimensional (1D) array to a function
In this C program, we are going to learn how to pass a one dimensional array (One-D array/1D Array) to a function? Here, we are designing a user define function, in which we are passing an integer array.
- C program to find sum of the array elements (pass an integer array to a function and return the sum)
In this C program, we are going to learn how to pass an integer array (one dimensional array) to a user defined function and return sum of all elements?
- C program to swap elements of two integer arrays using user define function
In this C program, we are going to swap the elements of two one dimensional integers arrays? Here, we are passing two integer arrays along with its total number of elements to the function.
- C program to pass a string to a function
In this C program, we are going to learn how to pass a string (character array) to a function? Here, we are passing a string to function and printing in the function.
- C program to pass an array of strings to a function
In this C program, we are going to learn how to pass a two dimensional character array (array of strings) to a user defined function?
- C program to pass multiple type of arguments to a function
In this C program, we will learn how we can declare a function that will have different type of variables as arguments.
- C program to pass function as an argument to a function
In this C program, we are going to implement a function that will have function as an argument in C. There are two user defined functions and we are passing function 1 as an argument to the function 2.
- C program to pass two dimensional array (Two-D array) to a function
Here, we have a C program, in which we are demonstrating an example of passing two dimensional arrays to a function.
- C program to pass a structure to a user define function
In this C program, we are going to learn how to pass a structure type of data type to a user define function? Here, we are an example, where we are passing a structure to a function in C.
- C program to pass an array of structures to a user define function
In this C program, we are going to learn how to pass a structure type of data type to a user define function? Here, we are an example, where we are passing a structure to a function in C.
- C program to swap two strings using user define function
In this C program, we are going to learn how to swap two strings without using strcpy()? Here, we will create our own function to swap the strings.