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C looping programs
C program to check whether number is POSITIVE, NEGATIVE or ZERO until user doesn't want to exit.
This program will read an integer number and check whether entered number is Positive, Negative or Zero until user does not want to exit.
Check number is Positive, Negative or Zero using C program
/* C program to check whether number is
POSITIVE, NEGATIVE or ZERO until user doesn’t want to exit.*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int num;
char choice;
do {
printf("Enter an integer number :");
scanf("%d", &num);
if (num == 0)
printf("Number is ZERO.");
else if (num > 0)
printf("Number is POSITIVE.");
printf("Number is NEGATIVE.");
printf("\n\nWant to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :");
fflush(stdin); /*to clear input buffer*/
scanf(" %c", &choice); /*Here is a space before %c*/
} while (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y');
printf("\nBye Bye!!!");
return 0;
Enter an integer number :0
Number is ZERO.
Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :Y
Enter an integer number :1234
Number is POSITIVE.
Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :Y
Enter an integer number :-345
Number is NEGATIVE.
Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :y
Enter an integer number :45
Number is POSITIVE.
Want to check again (press Y/y for 'yes') :N
Bye Bye!!!
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