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Advance C Programs - Solved C Language Programming Examples
This section contains solved advance C language programming examples with output and explanation. Before learning these programs please visit basic c categories programs on related topic. These programs contain tricks and advance logics, hope these programs will help you to increase capabilities of solving problems.
List of Advance C programs - Solved C Language Programming Examples
- C program to solve Polynomial and Differential Equations
In this program, we will learn how to solve polynomial and differential equations using C programming language?
- C program to demonstrate zombie process
C program for zombie process: In this post, we are going to implement program for zombie process.
- C program to demonstrate orphan process
C program for orphan process: In this post, we are going to implement program for orphan process.
- C program to declare memory for an integer variable dynamically
Dynamic Memory Allocation Example: In this C program, we are will declare an integer pointer and allocate memory for an integer variable at run time using malloc().
- C program to read and print name, where memory for variable should be declared at run time
Dynamic Memory Allocation Example: In this C program, we will declare memory character array (to read name) at run time, will read name and print the string.
- C program to find sum of array elements using Dynamic Memory Allocation
Dynamic Memory Allocation Example: In this C program, we will declare memory for array elements (limit will be at run time) using malloc(), read element and print the sum of all elements along with the entered elements.
- C Program to find the sum of digits of a number until a single digit is occurred
C Program to find the sum of digits of a number until a single digit is occurred (without using recursion or iterative(loop) statements).
- C program to find class of an IP Address
This program will print the class of a given (user input) IP address.
- Stringizing Operator in C - Program to print variable name in C
This program will print the variable name using stringizing operator.
- Function Pointer example program in C programming
This program demonstrate an example of function pointer in c programming language.
- C program to get current System Date and Time in Linux
This program will get the current system date and time in Linux operating system using GCC or G++ compiler.
- C program to implement gotoxy(),clrscr(),getch(),getche() for GCC, Linux
In this section you will learn how gotoxy(), getche(), getch() and clrscr() function can be used in GCC Linux.
- C program to find the size of a file in Linux
In the program, firstly we will create a file and in which we will write some characters (here A to Z characters has written, where total size of the file will be 26 bytes.).
- C program to get Process Id and Parent Process Id in Linux
This program will get the Process Id and Parent Process Id of the current Process in C programming Linux.
- fork() function explanation and examples in Linux C
fork() is used to create new process by duplicating the current calling process, and newly created process is known as child process and the current calling process is known as parent process. So we can say that fork() is used to create a child process of calling process.
- C program to Get Computer System IP Address in Linux
This program will read the IP Address of Linux System using C program.
- C program to Set Computer System IP Address in Linux
This program will set the IP Address of Linux System using C program.
- C program to design flying characters Screen Saver
This C program will display flying characters just like a Screen Saver, here is a set of characters that will access randomly and position on the screen will also random and on the random position program will display random character from assigned set of characters until user does not press any key.
- C program to design a TIC TAC TOE game
This program is a small game Tic Tac Toe in C programming, here two users can play this game and after completing the game program will show the winner user name. This program is created using by Two Dimensional Array.
- Age Calculator (C program to calculate age)
Age Calculator: This program will read your date of birth and print the current age. The logic is behind to implement this program - Program will compare given date with the current date and print how old are you?
- C program to design love calculator
This program will read you and your partner's name and behalf on entered names program will calculate your love percentage.
- C program to guess a random number
This program will read a random number and ask to user to guess it. This is just like a small game program in which user has to guess correct number which is generated randomly.
- C program to check given string is a valid IPv4 address or not
This program will read an IP address in String and check whether it is a valid IPv4 address or not. IPv4 is an IP format of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and each octet has value between 0 to 255.
- C program to convert String into Hexadecimal
In this program we will read a String and convert the string into Hexadecimal String. We will convert each character of the string in it's equivalent hexadecimal value and insert the converted value in a string and finally print the Hexadecimal String.
- C program to demonstrate example of Variable Arguments
This program will demonstrate example of Variable Arguments, in this program we will create a user define function for calculating sum of N arguments, using Variable Arguments we can pass multiple arguments in the function.
- C program to store time in an integer variable
This program will read time in HH,MM,SS format and store it into an integer variable. After that we will extract time from that variable and print the date and HH, MM, SS format.
- C program to store date in an integer variable
This program will read date in DD,MM,YYYY format and store it into an integer variable. After that we will extract date from that variable and print the date and DD, MM, YYYY format.
- C program to remove consecutive repeated characters from string
This program will read a string and remove repeated consecutive characters from the string and print new updated string. In this program we will not use another string to copy string after removing the characters; we can say this program is for removing consecutive characters from the string without using another string.
- C program to create your own header file
In this program, we will create our own source (.c) and header file (.h) files and access their function. We will declare associate functions in header file and write code (definition) in source files.
- EMI Calculator (C program to calculate EMI)
EMI Calculator: This program will read total loan amount (principal), rate and time in years and prints the per month EMI of that loan amount.
- C program to validate date (Check date is valid or not)
This program will read date from user and validate whether entered date is correct or not with checking of leap year. The logic behind to implement this program.
- C program to format/extract ip address octets
This program will read IP address from user in string format, and extract each octet from the given user input. User input must be in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format. An IP address has four octets and using this program we will extract given octets in string format to an integer format.
- C program to implement substring function
This program will implement substring function without using any string library function, this program will copy given number of characters from given number of bytes in one string to another string and that target string is called substring of source string.
- C program to design a digital clock
This program will generate a digital clock using c program. The logic behind to implement this program.
- C program to convert hexadecimal Byte to integer
This program will convert a hexadecimal value in integer.
- C program to extract bytes from an integer (Hexadecimal) value
This program will extract bytes values from an integer (hexadecimal) value. Here we will take an integer value in hexadecimal format and then extract all 4 bytes in different four variables. The logic behind to implement this program - right shift value according to byte position and mask it for One byte value (0xff).
- C program to print character without using format specifiers
As we know that, printf prints the character or any other type of value by passing format specifiers like %d, %c, %f, %ld, ... to print their corresponding value. But here is method by using this we can print the character value of any ascii code. In this program we will print character values without using format specifier %c.
- C program to find Binary Addition and Binary Subtraction
Binary addition/subtraction is similar to regular (daily life) addition/subtraction, but here addition/subtraction performs only two digits those are 0 and 1, these are binary digits hence such kind of addition/subtraction is called binary addition/subtraction.
- C program to print weekday of given date
In this program we will input a date and then validate the date, if given date is correct, program will print weekday.
- C program to calculate compound interest
This program will read principal, rate and time in years and then print compound interest on entered principal for given time period.
- C program to implement your own sizeof using macro
Here, we will create a macro to implement own sizeof operator.
- C program to get the current date and time using the ctime() function
Here, we will get the current date and time using the ctime() function based on a specified timer argument.
- C program to get the current UTC time
Here, we will write a C program to get the current UTC time.
- C program to demonstrate the sleep() and usleep() functions for Linux operating system
Here, we will use the sleep() and usleep() functions. These functions are used to halt program execution for a specific time. The sleep() function accepts time in seconds while usleep() accepts in microseconds.
- C program to demonstrate the nanosleep() function
In this program, we will use the nanosleep() function. This function is used to halt program execution for a specific time.