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Digits Manipulation (Number Manipulation) C Programs / Examples
This section contains programs on Digits (Number) Manipulation like Reverse of a Number, Check Palindrome Number, Check Prime Number, Check Armstrong Number, Check Perfect Square Number, Count total digits in a Number etc.
C Digits Manipulation Programs
These programs show manipulation on digits, here we will extract digits from the number and perform necessary action of it. Here we used looping especially while loop to solve the number related problems. These programs are very important according for interviews.
List of Digits Manipulation Programs in C
- C Program to reverse a number (for example: input: 1234, output: 4321)
- C Program to calculate SUM & PRODUCT of all digits
- C Program to check number is prime or not
- C Program to check number is palindrome or not
- C Program to check number is Armstrong or not
- C Program to count digits in a numbers
- C Program to print occurrence of a particular digit in a number
- C Program to check number is perfect or not
- C Program to check number is power of 2 or not
- C Program to check number is perfect square or not