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C program to find the size of a file in Linux
In this program we will get the size of the file using two methods:
- Using stat() function - Compatible for GCC, G++ Compilers
- Using fseek() and ftell() functions – Compatible for GCC, G++ and TURBOC Compilers
File Size using C program in Linux and Windows
In the program, firstly we will create a file and in which we will write some characters (here A to Z characters has written, where total size of the file will be 26 bytes.).
Get file size using stat() function
/*C program to find the size of a file in Linux.*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
/*function to get size of the file.*/
long int findSize(const char* file_name)
struct stat st; /*declare stat variable*/
/*get the size using stat()*/
if (stat(file_name, &st) == 0)
return (st.st_size);
return -1;
int main()
char i;
FILE* fp; /*to create file*/
long int size = 0;
/*Open file in write mode*/
fp = fopen("temp.txt", "w");
/*writing A to Z characters into file*/
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++)
fputc(i, fp);
/*close the file*/
/*call function to get size*/
size = findSize("temp.txt");
if (size != -1)
printf("File size is: %ld\n", size);
printf("There is some ERROR.\n");
return 0;
File size is: 26
Get file size using fseek() and ftell() function
/*C program to find the size of a file in Linux and Windwos.*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
FILE* fp; /*to create file*/
long int size = 0;
/*Open file in Read Mode*/
fp = fopen("temp.txt", "r");
/*Move file point at the end of file.*/
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
/*Get the current position of the file pointer.*/
size = ftell(fp);
if (size != -1)
printf("File size is: %ld\n", size);
printf("There is some ERROR.\n");
return 0;
File size is: 26
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