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C program to implement the strpbrk() user-defined function
Here, we are going to learn how to implement the strpbrk() user-defined function in C programming language?
Submitted by Nidhi, on July 23, 2021
What is strpbrk() Function in C?
The strpbrk() function accepts two string parameters. And, search any character of the second string within the first string passed as an argument in the function and returns the character pointer to the calling function.
Problem statement
Here, we will implement strpbrk() user-defined function to search the first vowel within the string using the strpbrk() function.
C program to implement the strpbrk() user-defined function
The source code to demonstrate the strpbrk() function is given below. The given program is compiled and executed using GCC compile on UBUNTU 18.04 OS successfully.
// C program to implement the strpbrk() function
#include <stdio.h>
char* strpbrk(char* str1, char* str2)
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int pos = 0;
int flg = 0;
while (*(str1 + i))
pos = i;
i = 0;
while (*(str2 + i)) {
j = 0;
while (*(str1 + j)) {
if (str2[i] == str1[j]) {
if (j <= pos) {
pos = j;
flg = 1;
if (flg == 1)
return &str1[pos];
return NULL;
int main()
char* ptr;
char str[] = "Learn programming on www.includehelp.com";
char vowels[] = "aeiou";
ptr = strpbrk(str, vowels);
if (ptr != NULL)
printf("First vowel is: '%c' in the string\n", ptr[0]);
printf("No any vowel found within the string.\n");
return 0;
First vowel is: 'e' in the string
In the main() function, we implemented strpbrk() user-defined function to search any vowel within the string and return the character pointer to the calling function. Then we printed the first vowel on the console screen.
C String Programs »