Monika Sharma

Technical Content Writer @ IncludeHelp

Monika Sharma
Name Monika Sharma
Course B.Tech(CSE)
College/University Galgotias University
Technical skills Languages: Java, C++ programming)
Fields of interest Android development, Artificial Intelligence

Her submissions

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  2. Artificial Intelligence based Agent
  3. Types of Agents in Artificial Intelligence
  4. Classification of Environment in Artificial Intelligence
  5. PEAS based grouping of Agents in Artificial Intelligence
  6. Important terms used while problem solving in Artificial Intelligence
  7. Problem Solving in Artificial Intelligence
  8. Water jug problem in Artificial Intelligence
  9. Solving problem by searching in Artificial Intelligence
  10. Hill climbing search in Artificial Intelligence
  11. Best first search in Artificial Intelligence
  12. Vacuum Cleaner Problem in Artificial Intelligence
  13. Constraint Satisfactory Problem in Artificial Intelligence
  14. N-Queens Problem- A type of Constraint Satisfactory Problem in Artificial Intelligence
  15. Crypt-Arithmetic Problem- A type of Constraint Satisfactory Problem in Artificial Intelligence
  16. Knowledge Representation in Artificial Intelligence
  17. Introduction to Quantifiers in the knowledge representation in an Agent (based on Artificial Intelligence)
  18. What is logic in Artificial Intelligence?
  19. Knowledge-Based Agent Levels in Artificial Intelligence
  20. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) in Artificial Intelligence
  21. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence – A brief Introduction
  22. Reasons for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
  23. Probabilistic Reasoning – A way to deal with Uncertainty
  24. Conditional Probability in Artificial Intelligence
  25. Bayes Theorem in Conditional Probability
  26. Certainty Factor in Artificial Intelligence
  27. Inference in terms of Artificial Intelligence
  28. Decision making with Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
  29. Introduction to Fuzzy Logic | Artificial Intelligence
  30. Fuzzy Logic System Architecture in Artificial Intelligence
  31. Working Inside the Fuzzy Logic System | Artificial Intelligence
  32. Learning Agents | Artificial Intelligence
  33. Types of Learning in Agents in Artificial Intelligence
  34. Elements of a Learning Agent in Artificial Intelligence
  35. Reinforcement Learning in Artificial Intelligence
  36. Main Points of Reinforcement Learning in Artificial Intelligence
  37. Applications of Reinforcement Learning in Artificial Intelligence
  38. Artificial Communication | Artificial Intelligence
  39. Components of communicating agents | Artificial Intelligence
  40. Natural language processing (NLP) | Artificial Intelligence
  41. Natural Language Understanding Process | Artificial Intelligence
  42. Artificial Intelligence Introduction Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  43. Artificial Intelligence Based Agents Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ) | Set 1
  44. Artificial Intelligence Based Agents Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ) | Set 2
  45. Artificial Intelligence | Classification of environment for an Artificial Intelligent System | Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  46. Artificial Intelligence | Problem Solving in AI | Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ) | Set 1
  47. Artificial Intelligence | Problem Solving in AI | Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ) | Set 2
  48. Artificial Intelligence Searching Problem Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  49. Artificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfactory Problems (CSP) Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  50. Artificial Intelligence Cryptarithmetic Problems Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  51. Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  52. Artificial Intelligence Logic Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  53. Artificial Intelligence Quantifiers in Knowledge Representation Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  54. Artificial Intelligence Knowledge-Based Agent Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  55. Artificial Intelligence Uncertainty in AI Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  56. Artificial Intelligence Probabilistic Reasoning in AI Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  57. Artificial Intelligence Conditional Probability in AI Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  58. Artificial Intelligence Bayesian Theorem Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  59. Artificial Intelligence Inference Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  60. Artificial Intelligence Certainty Factor Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  61. Artificial Intelligence Certainty Factor Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  62. Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Logic Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  63. Artificial Intelligence Learning Agents Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)
  64. Artificial Intelligence Decision Making with Uncertainty Aptitude Questions and Answers (MCQ)

Operating Systems

  1. FCFS: First Come First Serve Scheduling Algorithm
  2. SJF: Shortest Job First Scheduling Algorithm
  3. SRTF: Shortest Remaining Time First Scheduling Algorithm
  4. LJF: Longest Job First Scheduling Algorithm
  5. LRTF: Longest Remaining Time First Scheduling Algorithm
  6. Important terms used in process scheduling
  7. Priority Scheduling (Non preemptive) in Operating System
  8. Priority Scheduling (Preemptive) in Operating System
  9. Round Robin Scheduling in Operating System
  10. Process State Diagram in Operating System
  11. Important terms used in the Process state Diagram | Operating System
  12. Enhanced Process State Diagram in Operating System
  13. Real Time Operating System (RTOS)
  14. Kernel in Operating System
  15. Difference between Kernel and Operating System
  16. Dual Mode of Operating Systems
  17. Types of Kernels in Operating System
  18. Bare Machine and Resident Monitor

Embedded Systems

  1. Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor
  2. Architecture of 8086 Microprocessor
  3. Types of registers in the 8086 Microprocessor
  4. Flag Register in 8086 Microprocessor
  5. Pin diagram of 8086 Microprocessor
  6. Minimum Mode in the 8086 Microprocessor
  7. Maximum Mode in the 8086 Microprocessor
  8. Problems on physical address calculation in 8086 Microprocessor
  9. Steps to execute an instruction and concept of Pipelining in 8086 Microprocessors
  10. Memory Organization in the 8086 Microprocessor
  11. Categories of Addressing Modes of 8086 Microprocessor
  12. Data Memory Addressing Mode in 8086
  13. Program Memory Addressing Mode of 8086 Microprocessor
  14. Instruction Format in 8086 Microprocessor
  15. Problems: on finding the instruction format for different Instructions in 8086 Microprocessor
  16. Segment Override Prefix | 8086 Microprocessor
  17. Data Transfer Instructions | 8086 Microprocessor
  18. Jump Instructions in 8086 Microprocessor
  19. Modular programming | 8086 Microprocessor
  20. Shift and Rotate Instructions in 8086 Microprocessor
  21. Procedures in the 8086 microprocessor
  22. The CALL and RET instruction in the 8086 Microprocessor
  23. Recursive and Re-entrant Procedures in 8086 Microprocessor
  24. Advantages and Disadvantages of using Procedures in the 8086 Microprocessor
  25. Macros in the 8086 Microprocessor
  26. Difference between Procedures and Macros in 8086 Microprocessors
  27. String handling in the 8086 Microprocessor
  28. Pin diagram of 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)
  29. Introduction to 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)
  30. Handshaking in Computer architecture
  31. Modes of operation of 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)
  32. The BSR Mode of 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)
  33. The I/O Mode of 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)
  34. Data Flow Diagram of 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)
  35. MCQ | Addressing Modes in 8086 Microprocessor
  36. MCQ | Procedures and Macros in 8086 Microprocessor
  37. MCQ | String Manipulation Instructions in the 8086 microprocessor
  38. MCQ | 8255 PPI (Programmable peripheral interface)

Software Engineering

  1. Introduction to Software Engineering
  2. What is a Software and a Software Process?
  3. Software Characteristics
  4. The changing nature of the Software
  5. Some myths and realities of Software
  6. Why do we need Software Engineering?
  7. MCQ | Basics/Introduction of software engineering (1)
  8. The evolving nature of the software industry
  9. Some major software failures
  10. The software documentation
  11. Different types of documentation manuals in software engineering
  12. Operating procedures in a software
  13. Software product | Software Engineering
  14. Difference and Relation between Software product and Software process
  15. Module and Software Components in Software Engineering
  16. Role of management in software development
  17. Software Life Cycle Model and Its Types
  18. The Classical Waterfall Model
  19. The different phases of the Classical waterfall model
  20. The Iterative Waterfall Model
  21. The Prototyping model | Software Engineering
  22. The Evolutionary Model | Software Engineering
  23. The Spiral model | Software Engineering
  24. Comparison of Software lifecycle models | Software Engineering
  25. MCQ | Software Lifecycle Models
  26. Software Design Phase in SDLC
  27. Things developed in the design phase of the software | Software Engineering
  28. Characteristics of a good software design | Software Engineering
  29. MCQ | Basics/Introduction of software engineering (2)
  30. Cohesion | Software Engineering
  31. Coupling | Software Engineering
  32. MCQ | Software Design | Software Engineering
  33. Different types of design strategies in Software Engineering
  34. A software model - the importance of a model in a software
  35. Introduction to UML: Unified Modeling Language
  36. UML Views and UML Diagrams
  37. The Use-case Model (Use case diagram)
  38. The class diagram | Software Engineering
  39. The Sequence Diagram | Software Engineering
  40. The Activity Diagram | Software Engineering
  41. Component Diagram | Software Engineering
  42. Deployment Diagram | Software Engineering
  43. Object Diagram | Software Engineering
  44. State Chart Diagram | Software Engineering
  45. Domain modeling | Software Engineering
  46. Booch's Object Identification Method | Software Engineering
  47. User Interface | Software Engineering
  48. Graphical User Interface | Software Engineering
  49. Coding Phase in Software Engineering
  50. MCQ | UML views and UML diagrams
  51. MCQ | User Interface | Software Engineering
  52. Coding standards and guidelines
  53. Code Reviewing in Software Engineering
  54. Testing Phase in Software Engineering
  55. Levels of Testing in Software Engineering
  56. Some important terms related to software testing
  57. Principles of Testing | Software Engineering
  58. Strategies of Testing | Software Engineering
  59. Mutation Testing, System Testing and Performance Testing | Software Engineering
  60. Program Analysis Tools | Software Engineering
  61. Software Failure | Software Engineer
  62. Classification of software failures | Software Engineer
  63. Software Quality | Software Engineering
  64. Software Quality Management | Software Engineering
  65. ISO 9000 | Software Engineering
  66. SEI Capability Maturity Model | Software Engineering
  67. Case tools and their scopes | Software Engineering
  68. Software Maintenance | Software Engineering
  69. Software Reuse: Definition and Advantages | Software Engineering
  70. Reuse Domain | Software Engineering
  71. Component Based Software Development | Software Engineering
  72. Software Component Classification | Software Engineering


  1. Playfair Cipher in Cryptography
  2. Feistel Cipher in Cryptography
  3. Hill Cipher in Cryptography
  4. Diffie Hellman Algorithm in Cryptography
  5. Rail Fence Cipher in Cryptography
  6. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  7. Message-Digest Algorithm 5 (MD5) in Cryptography
  8. Security goals, security attacks and principles of security | Cryptography
  9. Types of Cryptography: Symmetric and Asymmetric
  10. Difference between Stream Ciphers and Block Ciphers in Cryptography
  11. Caesar Cipher in Cryptography
  12. Vigenere Cipher in Cryptography
  13. Vernam Cipher in Cryptography
  14. One Time Pad Cipher in Cryptography
  15. MCQ | Cryptography Basics
  16. MCQ | Cryptography Ciphers (Level: Easy) | Set 1
  17. MCQ | Cryptography Ciphers (Level: Easy) | Set 2
  18. Hash Function in Cryptography
  19. Applications of Hash Function in Cryptography
  20. Digital Signatures in Cryptography
  21. Mode of Operation in Cryptography
  22. MCQ | Cryptography Hash Functions (Level: Easy)
  23. Electronic Code Book (ECB) in Cryptography
  24. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) in Cryptography
  25. Ciphertext Feedback (CFB) in Cryptography
  26. Output Feedback Mode (OFB) in Cryptography
  27. Counter (CTR) Mode in Cryptography
  28. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) in Cryptography
  29. Advanced Encryption Standard in Cryptography
  30. Data Encryption Standard (DES) in Cryptography
  31. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) in Cryptography
  32. International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) in Cryptography
  33. Multiple DES in Cryptography
  34. MCQ | Cryptography Techniques of Block Cipher
  35. MCQ | Block Cipher as IDEA, DES, AES, RSA in Cryptography
  36. MCQ | Quantum Cryptography
  37. MCQ | Hash Function Technique
  38. MCQ | Modes of Operations in Block Cipher
  39. Birthday Attack in Cryptography
  40. Boomerang Attack in Cryptography
  41. Quantum Cryptography
  42. MAC-based on Hash Function (HMAC) in Cryptography

Free and open-source software

  1. Notion of Community—Guidelines to look after while working with FOSS community
  2. Introduction to FOSS (Free and open-source software)
  3. Benefits of Community based Software Development, Requirements for being Open, Free Software
  4. Open Source Software – Four Degrees of Freedom
  5. Linux as Open Source Software
  6. Linux Hardware Configuration
  7. Dual Booting in Linux | Free and open-source software
  8. GNU GRUB | Free and open-source software
  9. LInux LOader (LILO) | Free and open-source software
  10. X-Window System | Free and open-source software
  11. System Admin Issues in Linux | Free and open-source software
  12. Server Backup and Restore Procedures | Free and open-source software
  13. Strategies to keep a Secure Server | Free and open-source software
  14. Open Source Hardware | Free and open-source software
  15. Open Source Development Model | Free and open-source software
  16. Case Study on famous Open Source Projects
  17. License and Creating your own Licenses
  18. Important License in Free and Open Source Software-1
  19. Important License in Free and Open Source Software-2
  20. Copyrights, Copylefts and Patents | Free and open-source software
  21. Social and Financial Impacts of Open Source
  22. Economics of Free and Open Source Software
  23. Opportunities in Free and open-source software
  24. Starting and Maintaining an Open Source Project
  25. MCQ | Basics | Free and open-source software | Set 1
  26. MCQ | Software Program Analysis Tools and Component Classification | Free and open-source software
  27. MCQ | Basics | Free and open-source software | Set 2
  28. MCQ | Basics | Free and open-source software | Set 3
  29. MCQ | Basics | Free and open-source software | Set 4
  30. MCQ | Basics | Free and open-source software | Set 5

Computer Graphics

  1. Introduction to Computer Graphics
  2. Applications of Computer Graphics
  3. Display Processor in Computer Graphics
  4. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) in Computer Graphics
  5. Raster Scan and Random Scan Display in Computer Graphics
  6. Color Cathode Ray Tube in Computer Graphics
  7. Flat Panel Display in Computer Graphics
  8. Scan Conversion Definition in Computer Graphics
  9. Scan Converting a Straight Line in Computer Graphics
  10. Direct Use of Line Equation in Computer Graphics
  11. DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer) Algorithm in Computer Graphics
  12. Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm in Computer Graphics
  13. Defining a Circle in Computer Graphics
  14. Mid-Point Ellipse Algorithm in Computer Graphics
  15. Bresenham's Circle Drawing Algorithm in Computer Graphics
  16. Types of Transformations in Computer Graphics
  17. Translations in Computer Graphics
  18. Rotation in Computer Graphics
  19. Scaling in Computer Graphics
  20. Types of Transformations (Reflection and Shearing) in Computer Graphics
  21. MCQ | Introduction to Computer Graphics
  22. MCQ | Line Filling Algorithms in Computer Graphics
  23. MCQ | Graphics Hardware and Display Devices in Computer Graphics
  24. MCQ | Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) in Computer Graphics
  25. Window port and Viewport in Computer Graphics
  26. Clipping in Computer Graphics
  27. Pointing and positioning techniques in Computer Graphics
  28. MCQ | Random Scan and Raster Scan in Computer Graphics
  29. MCQ | Scan Conversion in Computer Graphics
  30. MCQ | Line Drawing Algorithms in Computer Graphics
  31. MCQ | Circle Drawing and Ellipse Drawing Algorithms in Computer Graphics
  32. MCQ | Types of Transformations (Translation, Rotation and Scaling) in Computer Graphics
  33. MCQ | Bresenham's Algorithm in Computer Graphics
  34. MCQ | Window to Viewport Transformation in Computer Graphics

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